
Someone who know about VA disability benefits.. Please Answer!

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My husband has not been able to collect his VA disability benefits for 4 years because he was honorably discharged form the military early, and ended up having to pay back half of his reenlistment bonus. So the va excepted his claim, and said he could not collect on it until the money was paid back to the military. well the money is finally paid back, and he received a letter from the VA wanting to know where to send his payments now. My question is this, will he be able to collect for the past 4 years now in a lump sum? That was still 4 years worth of benefits from an active claim he has not been able to receive yet...




  1. My suggestion would be to talk with the NSO from the VFW,AMVETS, the American Legion, or the veterans service officer in your city.

  2. GET A LAWYER.... which is what you should have done 4 years ago.

    He should not have had to pay back the re enlistment bonus in the first place if he became disabled while in the service. Furthermore, if for some reason through some legal loop hole he did have to pay it back... they still should have been paying the benefits or have applied them to the debt.

    As for now, yes he should be entitled to all benefits from the date he originally filed the claim.

  3. Go on line, and go to this page and ask.

    No one.. and I mean no one can answer this question except these folks.

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