
Someone who knows how to use a cam corder?

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well anyways i just got my first cam corder and im trying to shoot my first music video....everything is pretty simple and easy, i was able to record the difrant scenes and crop the ends off BUT theres one very important thing I could not figure out....I looked thorugh the book read online and did everything and could not find here it is someone pls tell me how do I swicth back and fourth between severl scenes while it plays out. You know how the music videos never are in one spot it always flips back and fourth between severl shots to make a full video how do i do that.....Oh my cam is a sony sr45 if that makes any diffrance thanx!




  1. Exactly how you do this will depend on the editing software you're using - it's got nothing to do with the camcorder.  You need to copy the main audio track you're using to a dedicated audio track on the timeline - in WMM this is called Audio / Music.  The audio from the clips you're adding to the timeline will go on a different track, where you can either mute them or delete them.

  2. You can do this with Windows Movie Maker. Copy the video to the computer then import it into WMM.

    Movie Maker allows you to split scenes and shuffle them around. Put things in the order you want then save it either as a project (as you are working on it) or as a movie (when it's completed).

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