
Someone who owns the sims 2?

by  |  earlier

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Would you please give me your little serial code thing that you need to use when you install it. I lost my paper with the code on it and my computer got restored and the sims 2 got uninstalled. Thank youuu.




  1. You have to be joking...Serial keys ensure that if you bought a game legit that it stays yours and you get features that you can't get if you didn't have one. I'm not giving you mine, but I can tell you that if you type "Sims 2 Keygen" into google and look around, you will find several sites that allow you to download a program that generates random serial keys for whichever game you downloaded it for.

  2. sorry thta is  copyright infringement and theft   if we  give our codes out  

  3. According to EA, it is possible. Here is a copy of what I found on their site;

    Lost or Missing Serial Replacement:

    If you meet one of the following criteria, you can send a request along with a nominal fee to Electronic Arts for a replacement serial number.

        * The product is 90 days past the purchase date

        * The original serial number has been discarded or lost

    When sending a request for a replacement serial number, please include the following:

        * A money order for $10.00 USD (per serial number requested) made payable to Electronic Arts.

        * The proof of purchase page from your manual (If you no longer have the manual, include one of the game disks as verification of ownership.

              o Note: If sending a disk as verification, please send it using a traceable method as Electronic Arts is not responsible for products not in its possession.

        * Explanation of the situation

        * First and Last Name

        * Return Address

        * E-mail Address

        * Phone Number

    Mailing Address:

    Electronic Arts Customer Warranty

    209 Redwood Shores Pkwy

    Redwood City, CA 94065

    hope it helps...

  4. No one Else's code will work to install a legit copy of the sims 2. The serial number matches the disc and you cant mix an match someone Else's code with your discs. This is done to prevent theft, p****y, yadda yadda. I know it sucks because sometimes its hard to keep all your game info. I gave a link below to what you can do. You have to contact EA games and see if you can get your your number. You may need your original receipt.

    Lots of people want others codes. The problem is, it just doesn't work like that, You will get an error message trying to enter a code that doesn't match the disc's code its encrypted with.

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