
Someone who speaks French fluently?

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This quesiton is only for people who know how to speak French fluently!

I am typing a story and I need someone who can translate these few sentences for me! Obviously only the parts on what they are saying becuase my main character is learning french and since she has a photographic memory she is a fast learner.

"Good morning Laila," Mademoiselle Genevieve said

"I heard that Ethan has asked you out he is a nice boy," she continued.

"Yes he is but I am not into guys," I replied in a soft voice.

"It seems that your french is very good. You have been studying,"

I nodded, "Yes of course,"

"Well take your seat I think the other students are wondering what we are saying," Mademoiselle Genevieve smiled as I walked over to my seat.

So if you could help me that would be great!!! You can reword the scentences to fit the language thank you!




  1. Ever heard of run-on sentences?

  2. Note: Please note that Passe Simple tense is used when describing past action in French in writing. That is the tense I used to translate all the characters' actions that appear in the past tense in your text's English verions (i.e. said, smiled etc).

    "Good morning Laila," Mademoiselle Genevieve said

    "Bonjour Laila", dit Mademoiselle Genevieve.

    "I heard that Ethan has asked you out he is a nice boy," she continued.

    "J'ai entendu parlé qu'Ethan t'avait invité à sortir avec lui. Il est un bon garçon", elle continua.

    "Yes he is but I am not into guys," I replied in a soft voice.

    "Oui, mais je n'aime pas les garçons", je répondis, à voix douce.

    "It seems that your french is very good. You have been studying,"

    "Il me semble que ton français est très bon. Tu as passé du temps  aux études.

    I nodded, "Yes of course,"

    Je hochai, "Oui, bien sûr."

    "Well take your seat I think the other students are wondering what we are saying," Mademoiselle Genevieve smiled as I walked over to my seat.

    "Alors, prends ta place. Je pense que les autres étudiants se demandent de quoi nous parlons," Mademoiselle Genevieve sourit, pendant que je marchai vers ma place.

  3. Darius made the best translation ;)...!

    It's very well written.

  4. Bonjour Laila, dit mademoiselle Geneviève.

    J'ai entendu dire qu'Ethan t'avait demander de sortir avec lui, c'est un gentil garçon, continua-t-elle.

    Oui, c'est vrai, mais je ne m'intéresse pas aux garçons, répondis-je d'une voix douce.

    Ton français semble très bon. Tu as appris à parler français?

    Je hochai la tête, oui , bien sûr.

    Bien, vas t'asseoir, je pense que les autres élèves se demandent de quoi nous sommes en train de parler.

    Mademoiselle Geneviève sourit alors que je regagnais ma place.

  5. Bonjour Laila

    J'ai entendu dire que Ethan t'a demandé de sortir, c'est un garçon bien

    Oui, c'est vrai mais je n'ai pas la tête à ça

    Je constate que ton Français est très bon. Tu as étudié

    Oui biensûr

    Assied-toi, je pense que les autres élèves doivent se demander de quoi nous sommes entrain de parler

  6. Espérons's translation is good apart from 2 or 3 little things:

    "Good morning Laila," = Bonjour Laila --> we wouldn't say "bon matin" at all in French !!

    "I heard that Ethan has asked you out he is a nice boy," = J'ai entendu dire qu'Ethan t'as demandé de sortir avec lui; c'est un gentil garçon.

    "Yes he is but I am not into guys,"  = oui, il est très gentil, (repetition of the idea of the previous sentence necessary in French to understand the context), mais les garçons ne m'intéressent pas. (what Espérons has written is good, too)

    "It seems that your french is very good. You have been studying," = Il me semble ("je constate" is good too)que ton français est très bon. Tu as déjà étudié cette langue?

    "Yes of course," = oui bien sûr

    "Well take your seat I think the other students are wondering what we are saying," = Bon, assieds-toi, je pense que les autres élèves se demandent ("doivent (être en train de) se demander" is good, too) de quoi nous parlons.

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