
Someone with cats/kittens please HELP!?

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My kitten is about three months old. I think... But its a male, and starving to death. His mother wont feed him because she hasnt got milk inside of her. It makes me sad because he is dying right now, as you are reading. Ill do anything if someone, anyone tells me what to do to make him live. Ive also tried force feeding him with milk and hotdog, but he wont take it.




  1. give his mother wet food and milk

  2. When you force fed him did you use a bottle or a dropper? this usually works. If not then try putting out a can of tuna. Hope this helps

  3. Wrap him up and keep him warm.  Give him a few drops of kayro syrup or honey on his tongue.  If he responds to that then give him a few drops of canned milk.  The kind in the little can marked "canned milk" if you have some.  Do not give him milk from the gallon or quart that people drink.  he cannot digest that milk..The canned is not the best but will do for now.  Kitten milk from a pet store or Wal Mart..would be better...He should have been eating by now for quite awhile.  It's possible that he has hook worms and that is what is wrong, we can't say or diagnose as we are not vets.  Just an educated guess trying to help.  

    Try calling a vet and see if they can offer any help and tell them of your situation, can't hurt could it?  Just be sure he is wrapped up and warm as he is not able to keep himself warm if he is sick.

  4. Three months old is WAY to long for your kitten to still be feeding from his mother.  Get a bottle from a pet store and give him kitten milk!  You HAVE TO do what ever u can for this kitten.  Eventually you will have to ween him off of milk and get him some wet and dry cat food

  5. poor baby... most kittens are weaned (stop taking their mothers' milk) around 2 months old. So, it's not your mama cat's fault... I'm also not surprised that he won't eat people food, cats can't process people food the way people do... Even regular milk is very different from cat's milk. It'll just make him sick.

    Go and buy some kitten chow (dry food) at the grocery store and also some canned (wet food). Try giving him just a little of the wet food at first, then add a tiny bit of dry food, increasing it each day while also reducing the amount of wet food. Eventually, he'll be all the way to dry food (should only take a couple of weeks).

    The other thing you can try is going to Petsmart or PetCo and finding KMR kitten formula. It comes premixed or in powder form that you have to mix yourself. It's just like baby formula for babies - except that it's for kittens (DO NOT use human baby formula). Try mixing up a little of that pouring the recommended amount into a bowl or saucer and then putting a little of the dry food in it. It's like cereal for the kitty. It makes the crunchy pieces softer and lets you add a little more dry food until he's eating on his own.  

  6. Im sorry to say this, but you should NOT be a pet owner...find those poor cats/kittens a better home

  7. I am hoping that this is a joke question.  Cat starving to death! And your feeding it hotdog!!!

    If you are serious, call your vet immediately!

    Cats of 3 months old should be weaned from their mother, meaning they don't need their mothers milk.  They are now old enough to live on kitten food - both wet and dry.  Under no circumstances should they be given cows milk - most are lactose intolerant so you are messing up their stomachs by giving them cows milk.  They are also receiving absolutely no nutrients from hotdogs!  They need cat food.

    please, if you are a serious cat owner, take your cat to the vet and get it checked over.  They will also be able to offer dietary advice.

  8. Try feeding him goat milk. Using regular cow milk is not good for most animals, well they don't like it, at least. And you know the bottles for infants? Well, use one of them to feed your kitten.





    You're sick.

  10. Weaning is hard and if you think he has a problem then you need to help him. Get some second step kitten milk and some vitamins that come in a spray. Check his mouth if his gums are white he is anemic and needs the vitamin. So spray him in his mouth 2 or 3 times a day.  Feed him the kitten milk with a eye dropper. He may not be able tolerate regular store bought milk.  He will get in a death spiral.  If he is dehydrated or starving you may have to use hourly feedings. Also try some raw meat that you have minced.  

  11. at 3 months old he should not be feeding off the mother cat anyway cats wean at 6 weeks tops. YES worms can definitely  be killing him but if he is that sick most of the over the counter wormers will kill him he seriously needs a vet check and see if your local animal shelter can help to have him seen or talk with a vets office in the area and see if they will allow you to make payments . good luck

  12. Have you taken your cat to a vet? If not, please call one right now (check the web or phone book for one close by), you kitten needs it!

    If this is not an option for you because of money, please check the phone book for emergency animal shelters that may take him or direct you to a charity that will help you out for fee. You can also call the local vet and ask if they can direct you to a charity that could help.

    You can't do this by yourself!

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