
Someone you love is terminally ill. What do you want to say to them or do for them before they die?

by  |  earlier

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Who is it and what do you say/do?




  1. I have just asked a question like that..;...

    Some things to maybe ask...

    "Am I in the will?"

    "Can I have (Something of theirs) after you die?"

    "You're certainly taking your time...."

  2. i think if EVER it will happened to me, if that person is my VERY SPECIAL SOMEONE, i will tell that person, that i will wait for him/her. that we will meet again and that i'm very excited about it. i will give him his last request whatever it is. no matter it is. i will give it to him/her.  

  3. I've been trying to figure that out myself. My mom is dying. There are things I want to say but I don't want to depress her (she's in denial).  I try to show her I love her by being there for her as much as I can.  I want to cradle her in my arms. I want to cry with her.  I want to tell her I don't know how I'm going to get through life without her.  But I have to be strong for her because mothers don't want to see their children hurting. It is sooo hard.  

  4. My girlfriend, she spent the last three months of her life in the hospital because of stomach cancer, all I could do was just be there for her, and tell her how much I love her. I hope nobody else here ever has to go through something like that.

  5. I'd tell them I love them, show them by doing things for them, spending time with them, and allow them to see I totally enjoy being around them.  Depending on how much I love them, I will not dwell on the fact they are terminally ill.  Not to the point of being in total denial, but show them that life goes on until the very end.  Assuming health allows, I'd try to show them a good time as much as possible.

    Good question!

  6. The best thing to do is spend time together reminiscing about good things, be present, try to be cheerful. They don't need gloom, they need to be uplifted. By being there, being helpful, and being cheerful, you can do more than anything else. Also, ask if they want to record anything, send letters, etc. but try really hard not to be gloomy---it's ok to cry a little in front of them.

    Ask yourself, "What would Randy Pausch do?" Look up "Randy Pausch Last Lecture" on youtube, watch the long version, and learn.

  7. well... the person is my best friend. ive loved him for 6 years now. he has no idea. were seriously like closer than will and grace. ive slept over his house before and everything and its not awkward. i would tell him the truth. hes the best thing to ever happen to me and that everytime he dates one of my friends i cant help but wish it was me for once. id tell him i love him and that id spend the rest of my life with him in a heart beat and never feel the same about another person. im done with helping you write love songs to my best friends. its time for you to sing to me.

    =] thats it

  8. actually in january 2007 my fiancee was dying in a hospital bed

    and im just happy i got to tell her good bye  

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