
Someonee called me spoiledddd?

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i dont know whyy they calledd me spoiledd?

i have my own room and my ownnn bathroom but my bathroom is smallll! I havee an iphonee and not a sidekickk or anythingg!!! I have my own computer but its not a laptoppp!!!!!!

Howww am I spoiledddd?




  1. The fact that you said that about homeless people shows that you probably are nothing but a spoiled brat. If someone called you that then you probably are. It's not all about what you have; it's about the way you act too.

    Are you just a troll? Because I'm finding it hard to take you seriously, especially when you're spelling that way. Go back to school.

  2. From what you describe, I think I would add "rotten" to the word spoiled. Try, a common bathroom for several people, no phone, except for maybe a simple cell phone, and no computer. When I was a kid, I had just a room of my own, and nothing else. No TV, cell phones of any kind did not exist then, nor did computers. To me, a laptop is a luxury, not a need. The desktop is just fine.

  3. Based on your own post, yes, you are a spoiled brat.

    1) You have many luxuries which you brag about but don't appreciate.

    2) You call yourself "Miss Beautiful," which is a stuck-up avatar.

    3) You are typographically self-indulgent, with all those extra letters at the end of your words, and too lazy to run the spell-check.

    4) You look down on those who are less fortunate than you, as if your good luck were in any way something you could take personal credit for. You need to sign up for some volunteer work to bring you into contact with the real world.

    5) You don't listen to those who are trying to help you see yourself as you really are.

    6) You are unwilling to realize that you have much room for improvement.

    I am sure there are many other spoiled things about you, but those are the first ones to leap to the eye.

    Edit: Actually, if you had "confedence." you wouldn't be asking this question. So I suppose you can add whiny and insecure to the sobriquet "spoiled."

  4. not only are you spoiled, you are also ungrateful

  5. Rofl you answered my question with "ummm you make no centss" When I was clearly being sarcastic. Go back to grade 1 english please. You cannot spell. And idk if you are spoiled. Actually on second thought you are really spoiled rotten. Please dont bother answering my questions again unless you learn to spell. RK is right you are such a spoiled brat  that its impossible to list all the reasons without taking a bunch of time. The uneducated hobos part just sums up what a ***** you are.

  6. Being spoiled isn't about what you have. It's about how you act.

  7. may be you are!

    it is not a good indication after all because they dont say it for fun try to chang yourself.

    dont be fussy may be it help.

    i wish you luck.

  8. Hahaah again with the EMFASIS on words.

    BTW I find it pretty ironic that you call the hobosss (hah) uneducated.

  9. Why don't you go play with your Barbies for a while and leave this to the grown ups.

  10. Is it your OWN computer? That is, do you share it with anyone else?

    If not, you may be a little spoiled; just because most common people don't have those luxuries. If you have your own bathroom, that's a luxury, but it doesn't mean you're spoiled. Same with the iPhone.

    Or maybe they think you're spoiled because of the way you triple the last letter of every word you type. It's my experience that spoiled people often have weird spelling, no offense.

    Overall, I don't think you're that spoiled...

  11. Don't worry Miss Beautiful (nice name, by the way), you are not spoileddd at all. You are just a first-class idiot being brought up by first-class idiots. You should be out helping people instead of whinging to strangers about being called 'spoiled'.

    That Donald A is full of sh*t as well - homeless but answering questions on the Internet. Something tells me that fool resides in Fantasy Land.


  12. well try living as i do every day. homeless and my bed at night is the hard concrete.

  13. Wow this is a new one for me on here. I've never seen someone type every last word in a sentence by adding an extra letter to the word.

    You have your own bathroom? You are spoiled lol.

  14. Well, when it comes to computers, a lot more kids have computers today (especially if their parents can nab one on Black Friday for $500).  Computers are no longer the status symbol it once was.

    However, very few kids have their own bathroom or iPhone.  Personally, I think iPhones are those things that just make you look rich, but I certainly wouldn't want one.  My phone's only purpose is to talk to people.  Ever see those YouTube videos where they use a camera phone?  It is so jerky you wanna barf.  

    As for bathrooms, most homes have a master bathroom within the master bedroom (for the parents), a hall bathroom for the kids to share with each other, and perhaps a 1/2 bath (toilet and sink only) that guests can share.  Some houses only have 1 bathroom.  

    That all being said, if someone calls you spoiled, they could mean that you get everything handed to you, or that you not only get things handed to you but you act s****. too.  Based on how you are typing, you do seem to think you are better than everyone else.  The triple and quadruple lettering is unnecessary and very NOT cute.   However, something tells me you will continue to do it anyway.  Again, it's not only whether or not you have been blessed with parents who have the money (and/or foolishness) to spoil you but also your attitude about your own position that determines how others view you.  

    Be careful with your attitude, or you will find the only friends you have like you because of your money.  You lose all that money, and how many of them will stick around during your rough times?

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