
Someones whos recently been a freshmen in high school!!?

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I'm going into high school like right now and i have one best friend who i hang out with all the time no one else and i have like 5 distant sorda friends theres a large chance i won't end up in my bff's class or lunch what should i do when it comes lunch time and theres no one to sit with actually my second best is a senior in high school so she might be in my lunch but idk and how do i make friends when everyone in my grade is already in their clicks and have their own friends and they already no of me and my rep




  1. its ok. High school is not that big of a deal. Just be nice to people and dont be afraid to start a convo with a stranger. High school is not a big deal and if you are friendly and not quiet and reserved you will have tons of friends. plus your friends will change and so will you so it doesnt matter if your current friends will be with you. Enjoy high school and dont stress. Focus on academics and go to as many school functions as possible. Dances and games are good social networking events and STAY AWAY FROM MYSPACE it ruins lives. Trust me i know.

  2. Just get to know the people who sit around you in classes. You're not goiong to be in class with everyone in your grade.

    I just graduated HS and I was in 2 classes that were grade 9-12 mixed. I got to know many people I neer did before. My history classes were 10-12. The only class that will be your graded basically is English.

    It'll work

  3. Try to make friends with someone in the class u have before lunch...Im pretty sure a couple of ppl in that class feel the same way u do.

    If everything fails, cross ur fingers n hope u see some1 u know from junior high that u might strike up a conversation...that way u can sit with them....

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