
Something's wrong with my left ear!! Help me!?

by Guest60459  |  earlier

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Okay, one day, i was cleaning out my left ear with a Q-tip. Suddenly, my left ear felt like it was blocked, when my Q-tip was still in it. I took the Q-tip out, and i found that i couldn't hear really well with my left ear. It actually felt like the air pressure that you feel when you're on an airplane, and when you get off the plane. I can still hear, but it's just annoying and i can't hear as well as before. I'm guessing that there's wax build-up very near my eardrum, but i do need answers, cos i'm not that sure myself. My right ear is okay, though. I've been using a blowdrier to try to heal it, but so far, nothing's working. Please help me! I really appreciate it.




  1. You probably pushed the ear wax deeper into the canal.  They safest way to get it out is to have a doctor do it.

  2. You really shouldn't be getting earwax out, anyway, as doing so can lead to ear wax impactions. You're not dirty for having earwax. It helps clean out your ear by carrying any debris out that may have gotten in.

    The only effective way to get rid of impacted ear wax is to visit a doctor. They will safely remove the wax, and will probably tell you to stay away from Q-Tips.  

  3. I strongly suggest you go to a doctor, because not all the people on Yahoo Answers are trained doctors and may tell you the wrong thing. Good luck. :]

  4. I think you stuck the Q-tip too far in

  5. Try poring in alittle peroxide sound gross but totally works to break down any wax build up

    You may hear a lot of bubbling sounds but should feel no pain  

  6. Could be wax buildup. Any problem with you ear you should see a doctor because permanent problems can happen if you leave it. Even if it is just wax, you will know for sure what's wrong and the doc can help you get what you can't safely get with a Qtip  

  7. First thing you need to do is quit using a Q-tip to clean your ears. Especially the ear canal. Q-tips can scratch the canal and cause you other problems. Clean on the outside of the ear only with a Q-tip. Get yourself an ear wax softener at the Pharmacy. You place I believe ten drops in the ear while laying on the opposite side of your head. Let the solution go in deep, it will even shut more of your hearing down in that ear. After a while, you can sit up, but put a piece of cotton at the opening of the canal, to keep it from running out onto you. After a couple days, there is this little syringe that comes with the package. While in the shower, cup your hand and fill the syringe with warm water, pull down of your ear lobe, place the syringe inside the canal and squirt the water in. This should get it out. If not do another day or two of the solution and try again with the syringe. Should come out then. Then about once a week, put some of the solution in your ear to keep the wax soft, and it will come out on it's own with the warm shower. Some people, and I an one of them for some unknown reason builds up a lot of ear wax and to much will interfere with your hearing. You can go to a Doctor and let them get it out, but doing it yourself it's cheaper. A blow dryer will only dry the wax more. I to, hate that feeling. I've also used the ear was removal candles which can be purchased at some Pharmacy's or at GNC, expensive there though. But they do work and you should have someone there with you to watch the flame and keep clipping it off. If you ever use one, you let the candle burn down to where there is 4 inches left. Take a pair of scissors and start cutting the candle end at the very point and cut it in half. You'll be surprised how much wax is laying in each half. I wish for you the very best young later and I hope you get your normal hearing back soon. Good luck.

  8. chew gum yawn and try cleaning it again

  9. It does sound like ear wax or cerumen has clogged your canal.  Good news is it is an easy fix.  If you are unable to see a doctor to have the wax lavaged, you can try an over the counter remedy.  It is called Debrox, it is an oil that you put in your ear for a few days then wash it out with a bulb syringe.  If this doesn't work, go to the doctor.

    Good luck :)  

  10. go to a DOC .

  11. They sell ear drops over the counter that will eat the ear wax.

    You could also go to the doctor, they will clean it out for you.

  12. consult a docter, its Very unlikely that we can diagnose and treat this on yahoo answers.. srry i know thats not what you want to hear

  13. U shoved the wax back in, You need to get the doctor to clean it for you asap

  14. If you use Qtips alot its possible a severe wax builded up

    I remember once I was at the doctors and they took out all kinds, with some sort of water hose

  15. that happens to me somrtimes too . it usally goes away after awhile.

    you dont need to worry.

    can you help me out with my question people?;...



  16. I'd say it's what you think. Sometimes you can push the wax further in when you use Q-tips. Go to the doctor and get them flushed out, it'll fix your hearing and everything. And it's a standard procedure.

  17. try using a candle. idk how to use it.. but i'm sure like older people would know and stuff.... lol.

    a blowdryer??? LOL.

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