
Something DIFFERENT to do in Zürich?

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Hey guys.

I am going to be in Zürich for a week next month, and I want to know something different to do, I will go check out Bahnhofstrasse and all the rest of the touristy stuff but that's not what really is going to make the place memorable.

For example, I am going to be in the Hague a couple of weeks later and one of the things I've managed to get organised is to go see the International Court of Justice in session when someone is standing trial for west african genocide. Now Zürich doesn't need to be THAT impactful or sobering, but what will REALLY make it stick out in an Australian's mind?




  1. You got to try one chick from each suburb.

  2. Go and visit the Lindt factory.

  3. What you'll witness in the Hague will certainly be amazing.  

    I can't think of anything that remarkable to see in Zurich (other maybe than getting a private tour of a bank and it's vault and being allowed to keep some gold bars at the end! lol)

    You shouldn't leave Switzerland without going to Appenzell - This is what Heidi was all about... traditions, mountains, costumes, yodel etc.  Every year, farmers bring their cows to spend the summer is the high pastures and in late summer until end of September, they bring the cows back to town.  You can witness the journee back to town.  

    It is called the Urnaesch and it takes place on Sept. 15th although quite a few farmers do it between Sept. 10th and Sept. 17th!

    At the end of summer, Alpine herdsmen and their cattle move back down to the valley. They form a colorful parade, which proceeds in ritual fashion. A young boy in popular costume leads the way, followed by hornless Appenzell goats herded by a girl in workday costume. Then comes the Alpine herdsman in full traditional garb followed by three of his most beautiful cows. They carry large bells, which are attached to them with beautifully decorated straps. Then come four farmers in traditional dress with the rest of the cattle. A horse-drawn carriage and pigs close the parade. You may get lucky and witness this colorful event, though traditionally there are no set dates for the different parades. Some farmers of Urnäsch do make one exception, posting the dates of September 10 and 17, 2005 in advance. So you have no excuse for missing this highly traditional and joyful event!

    You may also want to inquire about Yodel bands.  A lot of them perform at churches on Sundays.

    And there are cattle shows organized throughout Appenzell also.

    There are plenty of events going on in September (not necessarily in Zurich.)  Because Switzerland is so small you can get to pretty much anywhere you want to go by train.  There are plenty of wine/cheese and music festivals, markets etc.

    Have a wonderful time!

  4. Are you there for Knabenschiessen? The weekend before the second Monday of September, the big children's shooting competition.There's a fair up on the hill (take tram 13 until they tell you to get off) with rides and what-not but the big draw is the shooting contest, open to boys (for a century or so now) and girls (newer) ages 8-18. Since Zurich is weird, the Monday is a half-holiday: work finishes at noon, stores close for the afternoon, etc.

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