
Something Different About Me

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I'm not sure how to explain it but for all of my life that i can remember, Ive had this feeling that there was something different about me or that i was special in some greater way than just being a unique person or individual.

Its like a feeling that I'm not just a normal person, but its so hard to interpret what it is. Like i said Ive felt this since i was really little but i don't know what it is and its been bothering me lately.

I think its a feeling similar to what Elvis Presley had (I obviously am guessing here, i didn't know the guy) he said "From the time I was a kid, I always knew something was going to happen to me. Didn't know exactly what."

Also, don't say that its my body telling me that I'm secretly g*y or whatever. I KNOW im not g*y for obvious reasons. For some reason Yahoo wants to put this question in the g*y and bisexual area lol (?????)

Do any of you feel the same thing? If not can you please give me some insight on what this could be? Let me know if you need more details.




  1. Definitely feel you on this one....however don't get hung up on the 'being unique' element. Simply be sincere in all you do so that you may learn what it is you truly aspire to do/be. It's not going to come in a single 'aha' moment tho.....

    Good reading to do: The Bhagavad Gita (preferably a copy with a Guru explaining things along the way within the text)

    What you will soon realize is that there are MUCH bigger and deeper things happening within you and without you. You sound like you're one of the 'chosen ones' up on Heyokas from Native American culture. Basically you are going to realize you're a world citizen and that a man from the East is the same as a man from the West...they all attempt to speak to the same truth.


    I've always felt like an individual. Whenever it some to school, work, or my friends, I've always felt like I was more..special. Like my life is a movie and I am my own main character.

    I always feel like I have a lot more abstract thoughts then others, and that I'm better then them in a way.

    I always feel smarter, more creative, more attractive, more unique.

    And I also hate being part of the crowd, I always feel a need to stand out. So I have my own style, I listen to music that you will never hear on the radio, I created interests that most people do not have.

    Its weird, but, I always felt different. Like I am one in a trillion.

    Good question, I'm glad you asked it. its interesting to see that other people think this way as well.

    haha, by the way, you might find this interesting:

    I read a book called "I, the creation of a serial killer" for phychology, and every serial killer in history felt different from the rest of society all their life.

    Haha I don't know if this is a good thing for us.

  3. I am confuse!

    What are you talking about?

    Just go ahead and feel great!

  4. I have always felt that way too. Mainly because I didn't conform and actually formed my opinions based on information other than gossip or the local news. It's just your individuality.

  5. ABSOLUTELY!!! I also felt that I would die before I was 27, because a lot of influential people died before 27(James Dean, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain, 2 Pac etc..).

    I have always felt that I was born to do great things---I mean that my destiny is to do something very influential and important.  I don't know if this will be raising my daughter to be a future leader, inventing something, or what, but I truly believe that is what my purpose is.

  6. This is called Narcissistic Personality Disorder.  Don't worry, it is actually an advantage in the modern business environment.

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