
Something To Keep Me Occupied Over A 3 Hour Car Trip?

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My Mum, Dad and Me are going up to Bristol and Bath for my birthday next weekend. It's going to be a 3 hour car trip. I'm going to be really bored. So what could i take to keep myself amused?

Note: I get car sick if i read a book or play on my nintendo ds. (No silly answers please! Thanks)




  1. My husband and I use our ipods to keep us sane on long trips...  We have an 80 gig video and we can listen to any music we download, as well as uploading some of the movies from our personal dvd collection to watch.  It really works wonders.

  2. Bring your mp3 player and just relax and listen to music. Or you can get on of those portable DVD players..would that make you sick? You can set it so you're not looking down.    I'm not really sure what you could do.

  3. Well if it's like that then you are gonna be pretty bored. Usually that'ss  what people bring for a trip that long. If you don't want to read or play your ds why don't you draw what you see or make up some stuff. Also ask your parents to play a game with you or something. OH!! you can also talk to your friends or family on your/parents cell!

  4. Listen to your ipod and you can play games in the car with whoever isn't driving at the time. (ex. cards, scrabble....)

  5. me and my boyfriend travel a lot. we always take our ipods, and laptop that way we have music and can watch movies. it makes the time go by tons faster for us.

  6. you could sleep [seriously]. stay up late then night before, so you'll be able to take a nap in the car. or you could bring along an mp3 player or something like that. or bring magazines, since they're not technically "books", unless they contribute to ur car sickness. have happy birthday though =]

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