
Something Weird With My Pubes

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So I was in the bathroom the other day and i noticed that some of my pubes were white and I don't think it can be the STD crabs because I've never had s*x. I wash it out every time I take a shower but in a couple days it just comes back and some of pubes are white again.




  1. It's one of two things and it's difficult to say which because of the vagueness of your description.

    First, if you can wash it out then it's not your hair, but something that has adhered to it like soap, shampoo, aftershave lotion if you shave there, or maybe ejaculate.  Or you exposing the hair to something that is bleaching it.

    Second, if it's not the above, it may be a birthmark.  I've know people who had a particular section of hair that was white, while the rest was they're normal hair color.

  2. SKEET!

  3. IDK y

    I have the same thing.  I have like three hairs that stay white.

    I have what is called vitiligo, which is a disease where your body attacks the skin pigmintation and kills it so I have little white spots all ove and where the white spots are the hair is also white so idk if this is what u have or not.

  4. You can still have crabs,  you can get them from toilet seats, or anything else that may have came into contact with someone who had them. But who knows, I think crabs itch, if they dont itch your prob fine.

  5. That's really strange. I would definitely bring that up to your doctor. That doesn't sound right

    answer mine;...

  6. maybe its s***n or sperm...

  7. just like a beard they will do that before they fall out its normal .......or lice see a doc  make sure

  8. show your doctor, it's probably nothing though

  9. weird

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