
Something Weird is Happening to Me, Please HELP!!!!?

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I am changing.

Or maybe I was like this forever, but only now realized.

I am 13 years old. I am always bored. When I read, when I'm at school, when I go out. Even when I paint. And I love to paint.

I am frustrated for reasons unknown. I feel different and seperate from all of my "friends." Nobody understands me. I'm not depressed. Deep inside my conscience I know that I know who I am. But I just can't get into there. I feel trapped. I need to do something all the time. I hate going to school, even though my intelligence is above average (sorry, don't mean to brag.) I need to change the world. I need to lead. I never had lots of friends. My peers seem so different to me. Like an alien species, but I know all about them. I have amazingly vivid dreams and nightmares. I even feel pain in my dreams. Sometimes random thoughts just shoot through my mind. Once I saw an image of a person, and then a dress, and then a red X.




  1. Simple

    It's puberty.

  2. Been there done that.  Its just a teenage thing.  You'll either grow out of it or find your place in this world

  3. Yes, you are changing and what you describe is known as a triggering event. They can be abrupt or gradual...mine arrived as a result of wanting to learn about astral projection. For the first time in my life, I was exposed to magick (true magick), spirit guides, shamanic journeying, other realms of existence and energy healing - to name a few - and it dramatically altered the direction of my life. One thing that I can tell you, from my own experience of being awakened, as you have been, is that whenever we experience restlessness, boredom, minimal satisfaction at tasks we once found pleasurable or confusion about our purpose, it is almost always because we are not doing what we need to be doing. Your desire to reach out for answers is not random or coincidence, nor is what you are experiencing. Please don't let anybody try to convince you otherwise. You know what you know...period. I recognize some of what you've written here because my main ability is also clairvoyance with claircognizance a close second. As one other person wisely pointed out, we ALL have psychic abilities, without exception. The link below for "wings for the spirit" gives a great description of these abilties, as well as exercises that you can practice to learn how to develop them...this is extremely important for you to begin as soon as possible. I sense that the information there will resonate deeply with you and  whatever does, you need to follow through and begin to understand how your abilities work. Think of it this decide to begin a blog and settle on a provider. So you sign up, get the physical space online to communicate with the rest of the world and now you need to learn how to use the web page editor effectively. Often, it willl take a few attempts at trial and error to get the look and feel you want and that will change as your needs, familiarity with design and your message changes. Key to all of this is learning the limitations you have to work with but you need to do the work to get to that point where you're comfortable with your newly learned skills. My point is that developing one's psychic abilities and learning to use them effectively is strongly reliant on this trial and error process of development. You already know that you have abilities that few of your peers possess, although it may seem "hit and miss"at times.

    You feel isolated because you have a mission here, in this life, to accomplish and you're being made aware of that in countless ways, many more than what you've related here I'm certain. Your mention of the dress image is a heightened form of intuition. Continue to emply your intuition to non-threatening sitautions and you will note a dramatic increase in the results and accuracy. Being claircognizant, often we receive "impressions" in the form of symbols. It is quite remarkable that you were able to make the association so quickly...I strongly suggest that you begin a written journal to contain these symbols because they will be recurring. A good exercise that I use is just before I go to sleep. I request to be shown a symbol that relates to the first person I will talk to the next day or the first person who will call me on the phone. The fist image that I receive, no matter how strange it seems, I make note of and then compare to the actual results. The link for psychic development has some additional and similar exercises you will likely want to experiment with and I say go for it!

    A funny thing about what we call dreams...Sylvia Browne contends that, on average, 2 sleep periods during each week, we spend out of body. Personally, I believe for some people that increases greatly, depending on their gifts. Everything is symbolism, whether the dream is inside our heads or whether we're out of body. Definitely use a dream dictionary to help but don't take their definition at face value. Many mistakenly believe death or injury to themselves in a dream, for example, means the same in the physical world and it terrifies them. In reality, both almost always refer to change of some type that will allow us to progress on our journey and these act as advance warnings to this change. Sometimes the darkness can interfere when they sense a lightworker like you is awakening and can influence and orchestrate nighmares to slow or stop you from learning. Simply request some protection from your protector guide or angel (whichever you prefer to call them) before you go to sleep. You mentioned experiencing physical pain sometimes in your dreams so I've included another link below that will give you a brief description of shamanic journeying, animal and spirit guides and non-ordinary reality. Shaman initiates in central and South America undergo a ritual that involves journeying to non-ordinary reality and encountering their power animals or animal guides. Often during their journey, they are literally torn apart in that reality, complete with the pain associated with that act and then put back together by their animal guide as a new being. I've been using the shamanic journey for several years and, contrary to what you might read on the site, you do not need a shaman to show you. I was exposed to a very simple exercise that resulted in journeying and meeting my first spirit guide and the only equipment needed was a picture from a calender. If you're interested, please email and I'd be pleased to share it with you. As an artist (I'm a writer) you will likely find it quite easy to use because it is right brain activity which controls imagination and creativity.

    You may also want to begin some dream programming....before you sleep at night, request your guides to show you an answer or solution to a problem you have and help in remembering when you wake up. You may not get a visual but pay attention to your intution when it directs you to do something out of the ordinary (within reason,of course). Sometimes it can be as simple as turning right instead of left, turning on the TV at a specific time, overhearing a conversation or dropping by the library to browse for some unknown reason. There is no single method as to how we receive these answers or messages and that is part of the great journey...learning how to interpret the answers because we always receive them in some form.

    I aplogize for the length of this answer but there was a lot of what you've written that I could relate to on a personal level. I was fortunate to have people enter my life at key times to assist me in understanding what was going on. I'd also suggest you try your hand at remote viewing and the "greater reality" link below has a test to help you determine your strength in this area...remote viewing is a clairvoyant psychic ability. When I did this test some years ago, I proved to myself that my clairvoyance was very real and it was incredibly empowering. It proved to be a springboard for me where I now can use 3 other methods and obtain even better results...but it was essential that I began with basics like RV to begin tuning and toning my "psychic muscle".

    Lastly, I've included a link to my blog called Incursions Into Otherworld, not to "toot my own horn" but so you can see that what I've written here has come from personal experience and experimentation.  

    What is happening to you is not coincidence or a figment of your are being awakened to your true purpose here and I sense, deep down, you already realize this. Don't let it frighten you and don't allow others to try to convince you know what you know and your path and pupose is unique. Feeling a certainty that you truly are a leader is going to be an important part of what you will accomplish. Believe it or not, your guides are already at work behind the scenes and they are only a whisper away. Don't be shy about about requesting assistance or guidance...or the people to come along to provide that guidance.

    From now on, nothing that happens in your life will be random or a mistake. Try to open yourself to the lesson you need to learn about each situation and don't be shy to reach out for help or guidance. I am very blessed to have a number of exceptionally gifted people in my life who provide me with invaluable help. I would highly suggest one by the name of witchymel, here on YA, who is on my contacts list on my profile page.

    I wish you well on your are in for a very interesting ride! Please don't hestitate to contact me, if you feel directed to.

    Many Blessings, Nick

  4. It's called growing up.  Your are changing both phyiscally and mentally.  You body is producing new hormones.  You are just reading to much in to it.

  5. this has happend to me before it is vary normal just take a deep breath and ignore it will soon go away!!!!

  6. Uh... Puberty effects people in weird ways?

  7. ok, i seem to have a lot of friends like this. We are just one year older than you. One particular always knows what I'm thinking even though i show no sign of thinking it. She knows what anyof us are thinking, mainly if its sad though. The vivid dreams and nightmares are not that common, i get those all the time though. You could be more in tuned with like a 6th sense. Do your dreams normally come true? Are they ever of the past of someone else? My dreams have either happened or are going to. It's hard to explain. Like you i have never fit in - not even now with my outcast friends - and i feel like there is something I'm meant to do something more. People who say you are crazy or it's just part of growing up have a very closed mind. People like us are the outcasts because we dare to do things most people wont. That's whats going to help you achieve something great. If you feel you need to change the world work on it. Fallow your conscious, it's there to help you.

  8. You probably have psychic abilities.  You may want to look up on things.  You are still young, and in my belief, your doorway is more open than mine, as an adult.  (Because you are closer to the beginning of your life where we all come from).

    Dreams are vivid because they can bring information to you.  You should look up a dream dictionary to see if you can interpret your dreams.

    Don't worry about the IQ, most people with psychic tendencies use both sides of their brains.  People who deny their gifts and don't use it go to one sided brain thinking as adults.  Since you are still young, you are probably in tune with both sides of your brain.

    Here is a link for the dream info.  Good luck.

  9. You are one crazy person.  No worries though.  You have an overactive imagination.

  10. I was exactly the same at your age,,,,,I wrote the same things in my diary.....Differnt dreams but yes very very similiar,

    You should keep track, when your older it will be very interesting

  11. Your fine, dont trip. Your just... Espetial... wid a capital E. If you feel diffrent, then jus accept that you are diffrent (which you kinda have) and oh well get over it. But hey, if you feel lonely, I'll be your friend. im ok wid dat... lol. If you need advice jus email me... lol

  12. Get a psychiatric evaluation.

  13. i know exactly how you feel man hahaha, dont worry about start listening to some good punk rock and it will get all those angsty feelings out of ya, as far as the mind reading/ clarivoyance type thing.  i agree that most people have buried psychic talents, me for instance ive seen things happen before they actually do happen in my dreams.

    wierd stuff like that and i know how to read peoples emotions and see connections between people, without much verbal communication, kind of this wierd tranquilizer effect. but i mean regardless the whole noone understands thing, it fades so dont worry about it.

  14. The fact that you actually used the phrase "Nobody understands me" unironically pretty much proves that you are the perfect specimen of a normal, healthy teenager.

  15. Puberty & coincidence.

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