
Something about the weather in 2009 will be different than the weather in 2008 - we don't know what yet?

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But, don't we know that whatever the difference is, it will be blamed on global warming?

Does it matter more whether the thesis then stated makes intuitive sense, or whether what happens in 2009 is in line with the predictions being made now?




  1. I call it miscellaneous indexing.

  2. we must stay believing in science,i believe our word is small ,we can can make a true model for,then we can express the total vriations may occur then we can give the rightest solution for our problems

  3. We who deny and dissent will be labeled heretics by those who read the new holy literature of the New World order. This new holy book is called “The Limits to Growth” and presents the argument that all the worlds resources are limited to what we have already found and are using. Thus their argument goes the world must severely reduce its population to one that can be sustained for a hundred thousand years on these limited resources. This document says that we must in the next few years reduce the worlds population to less than 25% of what it is now and that it must be maintained there forever.

    The included link is more than sufficient to completely debunk the false religious work mentioned above and give hope and strength to those who want a better future for all. Believe my brothers, there are no limits to growth at all for those who open their eyes and look to the skies for their future. Ask not where you future and the future of humanity lie, it lies in the heavens above you, all we need to do is reach out and work for it instead of crying like the religious deniers of gods true plan for humanity do.

  4. I can easily predict that even if there is a notable increase in weather related catastrophes in 2009, people like you will not see them as meaning anything.

    If any year between now and 2015 is the hottest year on record, you will still find some way to weasel out of noticing the obvious warming. You can't lose. 1998 was the hottest year yet 2001-2005 were hotter than any other year in the 90's, yet the only thing you see is that 1998 was the hottest year. Why would anyone believe a word you have to say?

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