
Something came up on my urine test?

by  |  earlier

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I took the physical last week, but apparently, my urine tested positive for sugar. They told me I needed a waiver, and made it sound as if it were a big deal, as if this were going to prohibit my getting in to the army. I'd just like to know if this indeed is a big deal, if a waiver for this is hard to come by/to get, and what predicates one's getting a waiver or not.




  1. Once I tested high in blood sugar and the doctor prescribed medicine that caused me to get very nervous.  He then kept telling me to reduce the dose, and cut the pill into half.  Finally it turned out that it only tested high because of something I had eaten shortly before the test.

    Now I don't eat right before a doctor's visit.  Also I avoid sugar  

  2. man, if you're doing coke, you shouldn't be coming in the military.  and if you do manage to pull off a waiver (good luck), i thought you should know we get p**s tested all the time in the military and the tests are impossible to beat and you never know when they're coming.  moreover, you somebody has to stand over your shoulder when you p**s, just to make sure you don't try to cheat the test.  

    if you p**s hot in the army, you'll most likely get discharged and be f*cked for life into getting a good job.  it will be on your record for decades to follow, and will show up every time you try to apply for any type of work that conducts a background check.

  3. ok, you are not supposed to have sugar in your urine. Your kidneys are supposed to filter this out. You only have sugar in your urine if the level in your blood is too high, like in kidney failure, cushings syndrome, diabetes or a nero disorder.

    As far as how this effects your career, i'm not sure, my husband is the soldier, I'm the nurse.

    Eating sweet things will affect your glucose level in the blood, not in your urin. Some meds will, but not even 5 twix bars can. Your kidneys are supposed to be able to handle the sugar you eat, unless you sat around and ate sugar by the bag full, even then you need more than one bag.

  4. A lot of sugar in your urine can mean that you are possibly diabetic.

    It could be a big deal.  It may just mean that you ate a lot of sweet stuff in the several days before your physical.

  5. You prob drank a lot of soda or tea in the few days before you tests and your body does not process it properly, next time you might have to p**s for the military stop drinking sugar filled drinks.

  6. Sugar? You mean blow? If so, yeah that might be an issue hah.

  7. I once snorted sugar then some blow and i felt better.

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