
Something fun to do in Bielefeld?

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I know, I'm probably going to get a lot of "Bielefeld doesn't exist" answers, and/or "there's nothing to do".... but come on... there has to be something.




  1. There's a serious discussion among Germans whether Bielefeld exists at all, see:

    What people may want to tell you by that is:

    - Bielefeld is a rather big town, but, on the same hand,

    - it's a one horse town.

    You can take Hannover as another example. They have the world's biggest computer fair, the CeBIT, but Hannover is a one horse town by their people. It always was, and always will be.

  2. Hey empress,

    Bielefeld is the home of the world biggest entertainment company --- Bertelsmann --- they changed their name to be more american and I don't know  the new one. What to do in Bielefeldt  I don't know. I am a Hamburgian. And we simply have no problem "what to do".

    Greetings from  Hamburg, Germany


    ps: You must not fear, that you cannot amuse in Bielefeld. It is not a one horse town how Alwin mentioned international there is Dr. Oetker and national there is Leineweber and Seidensticker. You can say Bielefeld is a town with a lot of money. There are living people and they want to amuse. Bielefeld is not the absolute nowhere, but of course it is not Hamburg. To give you an imagination Hamburg, Berlin, Munich and Düsseldorf are playing in the first class in Europe. Hannover and Dortmund and alot more in the second, and Bielefeld in the third class. The reason is simple Hamburg belongs to the richest cities of Europe and for Berlin all Germans pay ( they are bancrupt). But overall you must not fear that you will find no pleasure in Bielefeld. It is not the absolute nowhere but it is also not the top in Europe.

  3. Bielefeld is a small town, and there is not really something special. You can go shopping, cafes, restaurants, I guess some museums, clubs. That's all.

  4. Go to a Soccer game. Stuttgart is comming to town on Saturday, that will be a nice game, or go play in the snow if you have any. As long as you have friends you will never be bored. Good luck and have some fun

  5. to finalize the last answer the name of Bertelsmann is BMG/Sony

    what to do in Bielefeld? take the next train out and go to a city more interesting like Dortmund,Hannover or else.

    Bielefeld is province, sorry.

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