
Something fun to do with a friend.?

by  |  earlier

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i have a friend over and we want to do something really fun!

what could we do.. please answer as soon as a possible!




  1. how old are you??? umm make prank phone calls..LOL ring your secret crushes , make up a dance routine !!!

  2. well with my friends we go to the movies and run around the mall. or we go out to dinner. bowling (aha i now nerdy) or we go up to the river to go rafting. In the winter we go ice skating because one of us has a pond. or we just hang out in eachothers rooms.  

  3. There are many fun games to do either outside or inside. If the weather is nice where you are I would recommend going for a walk or throwing around either a football or a frisbee. If the weather isn't so nice, you could either play a board game or watch a movie. A really fun game for two people that I have enjoyed before is: 1) collect any makeup you might have laying around your room 2) put all of this into a bin big enough for it but small enough to fit on a lap 3) take two chairs and place one in front of the other 4) have one of you sit in the first chair and one in the second 5) the person in the front closes their eyes and puts the bin on their lap 6) the person behind also closes their eyes and, while still sitting in their chair, attempts to give the girl in front a "makeover" 7) switch seats and repeat 4-6 for the other girl 8) open your eyes and look in a mirror :)

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