
Something i can write for a half hour that isnt a sotry song or poem?

by  |  earlier

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And dosnt envolve looking on the internet or copying up?


[Try make it as fun as possible. =D]




  1. random thoughts/who knows you may come up with something good

  2. how you feel. what you want out of life goals etc. who or what had has ever upset you and how it made you feel. mistakes, regrets and how to prevent making those mistakes again. family plans etc. have fun =)

  3. your A,B,C's?

  4. If you want topic ideas:

    1. Write a short fanfic about your favorite character from your favorite book/movie (alternate ending, whatever)

    2. Get really really in depth and describe a 10 second snapshot of something that happened today.

    3. You just found out your pregnant. Reaction?

    4. Your opinion on parents putting spyware on their kid's computers. Ethical or not?

    5. Describe a ninja vs. pirate battle (idk..)

    6. If you had wings, what would they look like?

    7. Open a random book to a random page and, without looking, put your finger somewhere on the page.  Whatever words your finger is next to, write a story using them.

    hope that helps =)

  5. fake newspaper article on the recent rise of Americans being prosecuted for scrapping their currency because it's worth more as scrap metal.  That's in my head because of my recent question but I'm sure you can think of something more interesting to do an article on.

  6. hey ninja,what about your life story............ if your one of lifes intrepid little creatures well ,we wont get by high school in half an hour.. if not, you'll have the shortest autobiography ever!

  7. how about writing a commercial.  make it about something that potentially could involve a bit of humor, plays on words, etc.

    use a product  you know about and like or better yet, comething you bought because of a commercial or advertisement that really sucked.

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