
Something in my ear!?!?

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I feel like there is liquid in my ear. Is it infected? What to do to get this feeling to go away!





  1. You probably have some fluid behind your ear drum. You need to see if you can dry it up before you get an infection. Do this and it will work. Mix 1/2 alcohol with 1/2 vinegar. The vinegar will help cut the sting but more importantly it will act as a natural skin softener to prevent the alcohol from drying out your ear and causing dermatitis. Anyway, place several drops into your ear. Keep your head to the side for a few minutes and then turn the other way to drain.  We use to keep bottles of this mixture in our swim  bags and it helped prevent swimmers ear too. (I swam for several years on a swim team when I was younger) Good Luck and I hope your ear feels better.

  2. Maybe you do have water in your ear. Pour some warm water in that ear and wait for about 20 seconds and then turn your head.

    that should solve it!

    Best of luck!


  3. Prolly not infected just from swimming or beach

    does it hurt? if so then prolly IS infected...

    safe thing to do after a few days is to pour a cap full of hydrogen peroxide in there and kill stuff off, and also clean any wax out too

    ask yer mom - she'll help ya

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