
Something is eating my tomatoes what do i do?

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I dont see any bugs tho. Something is eating wholes in my tomatoes before they ripe. Help me save my tomatoes please!




  1. get some sevin dust and sprinkle over plants and surrounding area

  2. I sprinkle seven dust on mine. I have done it for years. Just wash them before you eat them. It does not get in the tomato. We use it on all our veggies too.

  3. could be birds, many birds love tomatoes

  4. could be mice - could be flying bugs - go to the local feed and grain store and ask an expert !  You don't want to lose the tomatos, they are too good!

    There is such a thing as a mixture of 'dried blood' or whatever the garden expert call it that you can spread around the perimeter of the garden to keep out the animals and mice, deer like gardens too!

  5. Do you have slugs? try washing with mild soapy water 5 to 1, I think.  the soap is one. also if you have bear around put a dish down with bear in it you might pick up stuff there. My neighbours' cat was eating her zucchini flowers.

    and check out on line gardeners tips. good luck

  6. Sounds like birds, or some other big pest.  I've grown tomatoes and when I got  holes, it was usually birds of one sort or another.

    I'd suggest you get up early and check them it starts getting light.  Have you noticed whether it's the tomatoes toward the top of the plant or down near the ground?  Birds tend to go after what they can see.  It does sound like you've got a critter in your garden.  (Birds, rabbits, lizards, mice, quail).  

    Tomato horn worms (or caterpillars) tend to go after the leaves.  

    You might try covering your tomato plants with netting or chicken wire cages.  It's a pain but I I had to do this one year.

  7. Chickens work overtime eating garden pests. Their p**p is a good thing for your garden too. If you start from biddies you can teach the odd chicken to walk backwards too.

    Failing that, malathion or sevin  are your major chemical options.

    But first, take an afflicted tomato to your garden center, county agent or fresh market. Your problem may be plant nutrition. Your soil might lack sufficient calcium to prevent rot or you may have a virus that is causing your tomato to rot or crack or cause hard spots that never ripen and cause the afore mentioned maladies.

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