
Something is wrong with me?

by  |  earlier

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Every time i watch a sad movie i look on what other people thought about it and they comment: "that was so sad, i couldnt help myself and cried" but when i never cried about any sad scene in my life and just some minutes ago, ive seen a rly sad scene and i rly wanted to cry but it just didnt came out..

sometimes i think that im too tough, why is this happends to others and for others its not?




  1. Nothing is wrong with you.  I was the same way until my mid 20s.  I realized I was afraid of showing emotion because I thought people would view me as weak (which is not true).  Perhaps this is what's going on?  

    Emotions can be stifled on not present for a variety of reasons.  If it's really bugging you, talk to a doctor of some sort.  My guess is you will become more sensitive as you grow older.

  2. gawd!!!!!!!!

    al dt depends on ur pschycological feeling man!!!!

    its js dt ur brain controls evrythng...if u think u ll cry..definitely U LL nd if u think u wnt..i dont say here u cn obsrv wt  happns...js try nce

    n depends on sensitivity of ppl n b mood u r in at dt partclr moment...hey..n dts js a scene...wtch it lyk dt nly...

    strt taking everythng lite...js njy ur lyf..



  3. If a person is senstitive and enjoy movie then this is possible.  Better cry. Acutally you are enjoying.  Crying is not negative

  4. I can watch something really sad in a movie and I won't cry because I know it's not real.

  5. It's ok to not cry while others may cry over the same thing that you did not cry over. This does not mean that something is wrong with you. I just have a feeling that some of your feelings might be more controlled  or suppressed while you still have emotions. Everyone is different. I do not know you personlly but I know that it's ok to not cry when you see something very sad. I guess that just means that you feel that what can you do about it anyway. Or that you might not want to cry in front of people. Maybe you are so hurt that no more tears will come for you. I hope that is not the case. Have a blessed day.

  6. I've never cried at a movie in my entire life. It just means that deep down inside, you know that it's just a movie, and knowing that makes it that much easier not to cry when you see a sad scene. Don't be so tough on yourself. Some people are just more sensitive then others. It's completely normal. (:

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