
Something is wrong with one of my fish?

by  |  earlier

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I've had my fish for a few months now and he is usually fine. today i notice he was floating in of the water sideways. At first i thought he was dead so i touched his back to make sure and he started to swim again. Then he would stop swimming and turn on his side and float back up to the top he doesn't want to eat either. Any suggestions or answers to what may possibly be wrong.




  1. sometimes fish actup and dont feel so well if there overfeed or there diet is to rich

    maby he would like a tank alone for a few days


  2. Some fish are just very short lived

    If you won him at a carnivle, bad place to get fish

    Is he in a fish bowl, or aquarium?

    Make sure the water is well filtrated and airated

    Talk to a vet

  3. Its too late, I'm sorry, but it had swimming bladder disease. To cure it if you have it again peel a cooked pea, mash it and feed it to your fish. Lifes too short with that disease =(

  4. its a fish there pretty much disposable:(


  5. well I wouldn't listen to the one that said it is swim bladder she is lost in space today

    I think you need to seperate him from the other fish since you didn't say what kind of fish it is it is hard to say for sure what is going on but with you ststement that he stays away from the other fish it sounds like he is the low man in the tank and that the other ones pick on him

    it could also be that it is just an old fish

    but I don't think it is swim bladder if you seperate him for a few days and he pulls out of it then you will know 100 percent that the other fish were picking on him

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