
Something is wrong with this section of Yahoo! Answers!?

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Not sure what is wrong... but there have been no new questions in the Pregnancy/Parenting section since yesterday morning. Is it just me, or is anyone else experiencing this problem?




  1. Its not just you its everyone. All the serctions are like this.

    It won't be back until tomorrow probably. At least thats what some people are saying.

    You can answer questions on the home page though & refreshing the page.


  2. Yahoo glitch fest. It is happening in all categories. The only way to see new questions is to go to answers home.

  3. I noticed the same thing ! The same is going on in Diet and Fitness .

  4. We are experiencing some technical difficulties. Please be patient while we solve this problem that what it says on the start up page lol

  5. It's ok, because we are all back online!!

    Hows the pregnancy??


  6. It is with all Yahoo sections. At first I thought it was just Marriage and divorce. It is lame but oh well I have nothing better to do.

  7. Something is wrong EVERYWHERE on YA.

    ITs been happening since last night.  18 or so hours ago.

    You can see new questions on the Home page of YA, yet if you click "more questions" they end up being hours old, and when you click on the categories, the same thing.

  8. It's everywhere and I think Y!A is having a HUGE glitch!!  Or technical prob...IDK which.

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