
Something like danios?

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We have a 29 gallon tank with zebra danios and neon tetras.

It's about a month old.

We wanted to get a variety of fish to keep it interesting but the kids are thrilled with the danios - they love the way they chase each other around the tank (the neons hang out in the corner).

Is there another kind of fish, active like the danios, that we could add to our tank?

Thanks in advance!





  1. danios are my favorite too

    i am currently spawning 2 for the first time

    just get some other types of danios



    gold zebra




    also i think rasboras are similar but i have never had any

  2. Get about 5 Cory Cats.  These little critters are very social and need groups of 3-5 or more.  And they are very active.  They like to scavenger the bottom looking for food.  They will get any flakes that the other fish miss and will also eat Shrimp Pellets.

    They are very active.  You have active fish on the top now get active on the bottom.

    Cory Cats are not aggressive and there are so many types  Get all one type of your choice.

    There are Albino, Panda, Skunk, Striped, Emerald Green, Bronze, etc...etc...etc...

    So go get ya about 3-5 of these guys and have a great time.  Also get a small log or have some sort of hiding space...these guys like to run for cover at times.  Medium Plant (silk or plastic) is good also but not needed for the Cories...just gives them more hiding spots at the base of the plants.

    I have 5 Albino and they are always "busy bees".

    aslo have 10 Emerald Green and they are pretty cool ya cant go wrong with these guys.

    They are about $3 a piece...but I would stick to bare minimum of 3.  In fact 3 is fine for your tank...but I dont think I would go over 5-6.

    Best of Luck and have fun with em.

    Either way

  3. Guppies act the same but they aren't as fast or you could get some rosys that people use as feeder fish they make great pets or you could get a corydora catfish or some white cloud minnows.

  4. Personally I'd leave the danios and neons to have the mid-top levels of the tank (how many of each are there? They prefer 5-6 of their own)

    And instead add a group of 4-5 corydoras, either bronze/albino or sterbai, they will bumble around the bottom of the tank snuffling around after each other and are fun to watch. They are omnivores so you will need to feed them carefully with sinking foods, they're quite partial to bloodworms. If you do have these, avoid sharp substrate as it will damage their barbels (bristles round the mouth).

  5. hey, there are a bunch of different danios you could get, if u have the standard striped danios, they also have leopard danios, pearl danios, giant danios, Glowlight danio ,Blue danio , and also sunburst glo-fish, which are genetically enhanced danios, that come in 3 flourescent colors; (yellow, pink, and green), and they are really energetic and would most definitely add colors to your tank. its the same fish, just more colorful and interesting to look at, and i have them in my tank, good luck with it.  

  6. Tiger barbs are really active and fun they are schooling fish just like danios so keep them in groups of 6, and they zoom around the tank so they are entertaining the only thing is that they can nip fins of slow moving fish like angel fish, but they should be ok with neons and danios because they are to fast and small for they tiger barbs to catch, you can buy tiger barbs in all pet shops. they come in green as well.

    here is a link so you can see what they look like.
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