
Something moves my bed at night? a ghost or something? Im serious?

by  |  earlier

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this has happened for some time now Im used to it already but sometimes Ill wake up and feel a little movement here in there on my bed AND NO ITS NOT JUST ME MOVING THE BED it feels like someone

anybody can tell me something?




  1. Check on line for a paranormal investigative society in your area.  They will be happy to investigate for you and probably for free.



  3. Hi I've been a Paranormal Investigator for the last 5 years. You may have

    a ghost in the home. Do you experience anything Else other than the bed moving? Cold Spots? Voices or noises? Do you ever see things you can't explain? Most paranormal activity takes place at night between the hours

    of 3AM-5AM.

    If you don't feel threatened in any way than I wouldn't worry about it. It could just be a child ghost or even an animal ghost. Start taking some photo's of your room, see if any strange anomalies show up, like streaks of light or Orbs.

  4. It is not a ghost but a demonic spirit. Demons sometimes pretend to be ghosts in order to trick people into thinking that they are harmless which they are not. As such I would highly suggest therefore that you pray asking Jesus Christ to protect you from all harm and danger and from all demonic spirits. By praying I mean simply going somewhere privately and just talk to God (like you would a normal person) and ask him to protect you. Then you need to command every evil spirit to leave you and your home alone in the name of Jesus Christ. By commanding them I mean telling them forcefully as if you could see them (like you would a human being) to leave you and your house alone, using the name of Jesus Christ. I would also suggest if the problem still continues that you ask a pastor to pray for you, give you advice and bless your home.

  5. Call on Jesus Christ.

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