
Something similar to WriteShop - w/o Christian basis?

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Can anyone recommend a middle school writing curriculum similar to WriteShop that does not have a Christian basis? We are not atheists, but will be homeschooling from a non-Christian basis.




  1. try Writing Strands. My daughter loves it.

  2. IEW is incredible, and it easily extends into high school.  You can get the bare-bones program (which is actually taught to you (as a parent/teacher) on DVD and more detailed than most curricula I've seen) or you can get supplements that will teach your child directly by DVD or go along with your history or elective curricula.  You can determine your child's individual assignments or go with a pre-packaged set.

    It seems a little pricier than most at first, but the Teaching Writing Structure and Style (TWSS) is all that is actually needed.  Everything else is supplements which may or may not be helpful.  I've been using this with my 5th grader for a little over a year now with great results, I have students in my HS co op class who are also using it at an almost college level.

  3. I've only been using WriteShop for about 3 weeks, but so far I haven't come across any overtly Christian content (no Bible verses, etc.), especially when compared to something like A Beka.  WriteShop does ask that whatever the child writes, it should *not* be degrading to anyone, but uplifting and encouraging - values common to all people (I hope).  You might see if you can get your hands on a copy to look over before you make your final decision.

    Sorry Terri - my older son and I both HATED Writing Strands.  I'm sure it works for some people, but ugh! it was torture for us.

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