
Something special to set my art show apart during opening?

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I am putting on a small art show at my school and i want something original to do at its opening. people in the past have taken polariods of people looking at the works or hung them up on clothes hangers.

i need something special to set me (and my one friend's) art show apart during the opening!




  1. home made pinwheels/use recyclables

  2. get some performers,  try a belly dancer, fire breather, musicians, etc,  you could get some string performers from your school's orchestra?

  3. Nude photography, that would certainly get everyones attention at school.  Ok no seriously performance art is the way to go.  If you can get a nice huge TV or something in there for videos or put it on live.

  4. Food. It will bring in a lot of people, and you could have it relate to your art somehow. I mean who doesn't like food?

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