
Something strange happened to me.?

by  |  earlier

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ok so we were going through old stuff in the basement and I found a very old journal, and when i picked it up I had a flash or I guess you could call it a vision of a women being burned at the stake. what was it? what does it mean?




  1. your physic!

  2. It means you have serious attention issues.

  3. maybe you should read it.

  4. see a psychic, my dad came from south america, his dad was getting old, his mom was dead, and there was no future for him there at all, so he went to go live with his sister in LA. one night he was sleeping and he awoke around 4am and told me he saw a spirit. He went to a psychic and told him he saw a ghost. He didnt tell him about his mother, and very quickly he said it was his mom coming to watch over him. when he told me this story i was amazed. Maybe a psychic can help you.

  5. i think that it means you're hungry go take a bath.

  6. maybe a ghost, that woman at the stake, was trying to talk to you? or tell you her story of how she died?  I say read the journal, it will probably explain it.  Otherwise maybe you just have random thoughts about Salem witch trials XD

  7. it's residual energy, that usually happens when someone dies in bad circumstances, or if they were an evil person during their time.  either way, I'd read it.

  8. i'd say that it was a vision maybe your physic and it's coming out now. maybe one of you ancestors was burned at the stake and if they were, i'd say that your most likly physic and this is just the first of many visions. read it, it may answer some of your questions, it may have belonged to the women you saw in your vision.

  9. ur imagination got the best of you for once

  10. omg, thats freeky, um i say u read the journal and see what happens!

  11. ok well wat i think is that the persons journal that u found was the lady that u saw .. i dont know were u saw her burning but she probebly lived in ur house and just maybe trying to contact u .. if this freaks u out ..i mean maybe she hasnt crossed over yet but u can help her .. if it comes up that u keep seeing her just tell her to leave and crossover .. but i wud personally see a medium to at least get her name so u can look her up if this interests u!! i hope this helps u not like the other freakin jerks!!!

  12. If you believe in past lives....maybe that's how you died in your past life

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