I have no idea what happened or why. Nothing like that has ever happened before. I drove someone to their destination about an hour ago and was driving back home. I stopped at the stoplight, everything was normal. I was singing a song playing on the radio when suddenly I felt my car going backwards. I was stopped at the light on a flat road and it felt so scary. i saw the car behind me, and felt like my car was going to crash into them. Both of my feet were pressing on the breaks as heard as possible, the car was in the drive mode NOT REVERSE and it was going backwards. I was panicking and didn't know what to do, every thing inside of me turned up side down. After about 20 seconds everything went back to normal and I realized that my car didn't move at all.
I'm so freaked out, is the another explanation or should I she a mental doctor?
Anyone had anything like that happen to them? I just don't know how to explain this