
Something that Mario from Big Brother said gots me a thinking. What are your views?

by  |  earlier

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He was in the garden with the other guy talking about other house mates as you do, and he said something about Kat.

QUOTE: "she's not as dim as she makes out to be"

Does this mean that he thinks that she is dim and judging her because of the way she talks and behaves?

Do other housemates think that she is dum also?

Or is it a case of game strategy where they vote out the bolder characters first whom they deem as a threat and keep the safer ones till later and are now working on influensing other housemates to nominate these safe ones out?




  1. Mario isn't the sharpest tool in the box either, but I think he is judging her on her behaviour, maybe her voice too, I don't know, I don't live inside his head. She does come across as rather dim though and if I hear that fexing song happy house one more time I think I may do something unspeakable.

  2. I think he'sprobably judging her on how she behaves and talks, which probably insinuates the other house people feel the same.

  3. I think they think she is dim because of how she talks and because she is extremely kind/naive but i don't think she is dim i think she is just sheltered and doesn't understand certain things because of translations.

    I like her.

    I think they pick on her because they know she is a strong contender because of her charecter so they are trying to make her into the baddie.

  4. mario seems to have a opinion on everyone , he says so much that i often wonder , what he is talking about. when he was discussing kat with lisa, an luke, ,,, kat walked in , very calmly mario and lisa changed the subject ,, i was horrified at how they did this, it goes to show how used to getting out of

    that situation they both are,,

    i think mario is sugessting that kat is putting a act on . i think he is the one !playing the game! and putting things in peoples heads for his own advantage,,

  5. if you read his quote properly,he isnt saying she is dim, he is saying she isnt. in a weird way he is complementing her

  6. She comes across as a bit dim, almost like those people who need everything explaining to them , so you think twice before saying anything too complex for them to understand.

    She doesn't act like a sharp, intelligent person but more of an emotional - happy person. Nothing wrong with that , I act that way sometimes because I don't like people to be intimidated by me, it is actually quite clever to act thick lol

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