
Something that obeys no rules, just from the heart.?

by  |  earlier

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The Unthinkable

I have just been sobbing,

heart-felt tears

What could have caused this

unexpected emotional outburst?

Some-thing which highlights

my worst fears.

A small boy, Elliott, on my television

born both deaf and blind

That's right.

No hearing and no vision.

Not for him the joy of seeing

a sunrise or sunset

nor even the mundane dull-grey day.

Not for him the joy of being

in delightful communication.

Indulging in baby-babbling,

children's chattering

and the adult sharing of ideas

opinions, moods and fears.

His face so trusting

yet blank

awaiting he knows not what.

But his small hand is in

the hand of a helper

who guides him and loves him.

And I hope at least he senses

he is not alone.

For this tiny crumb of comfort

I must give thanks.

(I don't want a critiqued - I don't care if this is a terrible poem - I just wanted to share something with you all)




  1. G- OUCH. I shall spend the rest of the day with this. It got way too close for me. My knees are going to hurt.

  2. I think it's beautiful. Very sad, but very beautiful!

    With a tiny bit of work on the beginning it would be even better.

    Thanks for sharing.

  3. How very sad. It's all God's play. He has His ways, though strange are His ways. Strange indeed. He has made all the laws (His laws) and put them in place. We are all subject to His laws, there is NO escape. Well, "Karma" (the infallible law of cause and effect) may be the only possible explanation. Your "Karma" and his "Karma". The baby is innocent. Well, he cannot be anything else. But who knows what was he in his previous life, what merit points and demerit points he earned. And who knows what you did in your previous life to deserve having to endure this pain, this agony, this cruel twist of fate. We all have to accept His work and seek His blessings, His mercy and His guidance. I believe we are all here for a purpose. Some are being rewarded while some are being punished. This may be the only chance we have to break the endless cycle of births and deaths. Who knows when will we get this precious human embodiment again. A lot of soul-searching is needed. God bless.

  4. Well shared. Think of Helen Keller.

  5. I think It is wounder ful it tells the best sad mind movie you can tell that you care about this boy is it your grandson?

  6. And I give thanks to you for sharing so compassionately of yourself.  I will carry this little boy in my heart.

  7. thank you so much, dear, for this ..who cares for the art of poetry in front of this makes you stant in front of your entire existense..and all the moments we are mumbling about a grey day, about not everything coming our way..about raining, about not having enough riches...and..and..and..what can anybody say to this child, to this life? just give the hand with all your heart..

  8. Thank you for sharing it. It is very sad.

  9. This is very sad. I, too, hope he senses he is not alone and finds comfort in the hand of his helper. Thank you for sharing this.

  10. How dark this child's world is inside and he has only option is to trust knowing not who's hand he holds! Very sad indeed and thanks for sharing your poem !

  11. wow

  12. Shared well and penned well.

  13. my immediate fix on this is that this must be  a terrib;e and  lonely existance for the child but on second thought and a lot of contemplation  I it possible that it  might be true... that what we know does not hurt us?

    From our perspecctive this world must be a sad place with out the use of  all of  our senses but if we really try and view this from  behind  eyes that have never seen and ears that have never heard perhaps, just perhaps it is OK.

    Losing something is adifficult  and traumatic event  but never having  something  is not  traumatic . It just is as it is.  

    These children... and adults with huge challenges within a hearing and seeing society present us with a bigger challenge. We must understand that they are our responsibility  and extend ourselves to make life and the world  accessable to them . Te challenge is to teach the sighted and the hearing to have compassion but but not too much, love but not too much, offer assistance  but not too much....lest we rob them of their  potential pride in their own exrtraordinary achievments...and  lest we rob them of any possibility of experiencing a sense of  personal accomplishment. These are the  things that they can not survive with out.   These individuals with the capacity of teaching us what life is really all  about are truly  gifted. They are our  true mentors and our  true hope.

    Thank you for bring this again to our attention. we all know these things but too often ignore the importance in our own lives of  the ones who struggle, the ones without squeeky wheels. We need to give them their thunder!

  14. "Hi!",

    How terribly sad, I have a sister who is def, but I could not imagine being a child and not being able to hear the birds tweeting and seeing the ocean. We never really appreciate the gifts that we have, until you hear something like this. I'm crying as I'm typing. Thank you for sharing.

    cheers. : )

  15. Awareness risen...

  16. good very well thought out and very opinionated but yet very good

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