ive been reading about how the universe was created Most famously known is the big bang which shows that somehting occured and all matter was spit in a big explosion and the universe is expanding planets are moving farther away from each other at high speeds ( similar to rasian bread , As the bread is baking and is expanding all the raisins are moving farther away from each other seeming as if each individual raisin or (planet , glaxie) is the in the center) now a couple theories ive read state that there are both Open and closed universe theories , Closed being where the universe will expand to a specific point and gravity will counter act or draw all matter back into a fixed point ( like inflating and di-inflating a ballon) problem is that there isnt sufficient enough gravity to draw everything back in so an OPen theory indicates it will expand for ever and become nothing , a start and an end , Now i was thinkin what if there is a combination of both what if we are in an ever expanding universe or ( ever expanding ballon) which is itself inside a contracting universe or ( contrating ballon) , to get ur head around this what if were inside ballon A which is expanding , but ballon A is Inside Ballon B which is contracting? if the force of ballon B is greater then A ultimatly we would ourselves contract back to a fixed point which elliminates the need for gravity to draw all matter back into a kind of Dense flaming ball