
Something to do on a Saturday.....???

by  |  earlier

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I REALLY REALLY hate staying in my house all day long just stuck on the computer,watching TV,and eating junk food!And my friends arent free 24/7 to come hang out with me.

so please help me!!!I cant keep being so bored all the time....




  1. Get out of the house. Go play frisbee, see a movie, go swimming, horseback riding, play tennis or some sport, start a hobby, create artwork, read a book...there are lots of possibilities.  

  2. Ask your parents to do something with you, annoy a sibling, read twilight (luv it!), play a video game, go school shopping (if your still in school), and well that is what i would do... actually i should take my own advice and do one of these....

  3. Go outside and do something

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