
Something to do with my hair???

by  |  earlier

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i have shoulder length dark hair with layers and side bangs. im growing my hair out, but until it's long enough to do a bunch of fun stuff with, what are some cute ideas i could do now? my hair is pretty fine, and i always like to add volume to it everday. pleeease help!!:)




  1. Look on Youtube. They have tons of videos. I was the girl who would only straighten her hair, but now I curl, wave, straighten my hair, Today I actually did a Faux Hawk. Look at this persons videos. They help me a lot:

    Her videos work so well, no joke.



  2. put some curls :D

  3. Do some curls or ringlets with the curling iron instead of doing a deep curl wrap your hair around the curling iron and then let it go so that it make a wavy curl...i love that curl<3 its really cute..just make sure you blow dry you hair straight first

  4. blend in some natural highlites! frizzz it up! curl it! have fun!

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