
Something to write about for current events?

by Guest45491  |  earlier

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I need something to write about for Current Events.Name some things that have happened in the past week that are significant please.

Now I know this sounds like I'm asking for help on my homework,but all I'm asking for is a topic.Just give me an interesting topic please,I'm not asking you to write it for me lol.




  1. how bout the Genocide in Darphur!!!

    that is an issue that everyone must join together to fix.

    of the growing problem of Global Warming!!!  

  2. Barak Obama , but you know many people are already doing that one.What about women of africa . The ones that are forced to share their husbands with several  other women . Now , that's something to talk about.Most people don't have a clue about what goes on over there.

  3. well lucky you its the year of the olympics and one of the biggest elections ever....

  4. There are a million things you could write about. The election, the olympics, the plane crashes around the world, the earthquake in China, look around. Read a newspaper. Something should catch your eye.

  5. Write about going green.  There is a ton of information on that subject... Or the rising price of oil and offshore drilling

  6. Try  going and writing about the presidents

    or the Beijing Olympics or the war in iraq.

    But when  you do the Olympics  try  making it

    special or when you do the  presidents

    go and write about how Obama  chose

    his vice president or somthing like that.

    I really hope this helps.

  7. Well, of course there's the Olympics.  The Georgia-Russia conflict.  The elections and Obama's pick of Biden.  Someone stole a two-headed turtle from an animal shelter in New York.  Things like that.  Sorry I'm not more helpful.

  8. Barak Obama chose a running mate. Also the Olympics were on all week. You could right about music too. What ever catches your fancy!

  9. In the US, the next two weeks will be filled with the televised conventions.  You might write about some aspect of the elections, the coverage, the politicians.  Did you know that this is the first election in US history in which both the presidential candidates and at least one of the vice presidential candidates are all sitting senators?

    The Olympics are winding up.  Did they help or hurt China's image?  Were they a good use of China's funds?  Do the Olympics live up to the hype?  Does the hero-worship that comes with athletic achievement help or hurt the person involved?  Do sports heroes have an obligation to behave better than others who are not in the public eye?

    Tropical Storm Fay just made history by making landfall 4 separate times in Florida.  Are storms generally more severe?  Is it Global Warming or just luck of the draw?  How much responsibility does the non-Floridian public have for helping the Floridians clean up?  If it a large responsibility, do the Floridians have an obligation to pay the country back when times are good?  (The same question could be asked about the Gulf Coast and New Orleans.)

    Good luck.

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