
Something weird during a wedding?

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I know this sounds kinda strange so if you don't get it...just move on.

I went to my first wedding yesterday. I'm not particularly close w/ the friend but I still know him well enough to be genuinely really happy for him. As I sat thru the ceremony, I started thinking about how amazing they both must feel & how exciting this must be for them. I almost wanted to cry b/c I could just imagine how good that feels & I had this weird feeling...I almost felt like something inside me opened (energy-wise). Then, I quickly thought about how I would be such a dork for crying (the ceremony really wasn't THAT touching otherwise) & tried to tell myself to get a hold. It was weird...I felt like something inside me literally closed again. I recognized the "closed" as how I feel when I get scared of getting hurt. The open feeling was very unfamiliar. I started wondering if maybe I am closed too often to let anyone in. Has anyone else ever felt this? How do I open this energy so it doesn't sabotage me?




  1. Maybe,you want to fall in love . Have a true pure love.

  2. Hello

    I think Your Kundalini was awakened. Kundalini is a coiled energy lying dormant in the sacrum bone. I.e the Tail Bone.

    It gets awakened instantly when you come across a situation, a person, a happening that is auspicious and spiritual. This happening is beyond the mind and when you dont let it happen by allowing the mind to interfere, it closes again. This awakening causes tears to flow freely, Feeling of inner peace and silence, Cool breeze flowing out of your fontanale bone, ie. above your head or from your hands.  This energy can be opened only with pure desire and by following the teachings and technigues of Sahaja Yoga.  The founder is her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi who is none other than the incarnation of Holy Ghost, Adi Shakti. I know it is difficult to digest, but it is true. You can verify by vibrations once you know the details. You can learn more about it by joining any centre close to you. You may visit for more details and classes close to you and for your information, All the classes are Free and open to all.

  3. Your heart was opening up to love. It's called the heart chakra - an energy vortex located in the middle of the chest area. It felt unfamiliar because you haven't experienced/felt true love I guess.

    As DG wrote open up to your emotions - it's the reason why you are on earth - to feel, thus allowing the soul to evolve. Good luck to you.

  4. This is a good description of when we open and hide our feelings.  I am glad that you seek to be open to emotions.  That is the key to spiritual growth.  May you have many wonderful moments of openness.

  5. I know exactly what you're talking about.  I've felt the same thing myself.

    We're all very open and naive as children.  As we age we learn that, because the world can be a dangerous place, we can't be that open all the time.  So we learn to save that openness for special occasions.  Some people are more open than others.  Many people spend their whole lives trying to find a balance between security and this openness.

    You needn't refer to this as some sort of mystical energy.

  6. spilt...personalaties....???sometimes u feel u r being urself...then at other times somone else..

  7. I think the answer is simple.

    You're self concious and you were jealous.  You wanted to be the one getting married and when you were afraid of showing your emotions you worried that you weren't going to find anyone because you close yourself off.

    You don't need to control anything.  Just be yourself and don't worry about relationships.

    What will be will be

  8. Ahhh, that inner water works system opened up, and the biological clock started ticking.  First the marriage...than the kids.....It is pure female horomones, sweetheart.  Just make sure you pick a winner!

  9. I take it you are a guy. Guys are too often taught to hide their feelings, which makes it all the more confusing when they become overwhelming.

    What you are describing is not paranormal or anything like that, but a natural expression of your feelings of joy for your friend.

    You are not a wuss for showing your feelings, and you should not feel that way. Its ok to cry, even for men.

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