
Something wrong with 11 month old p***s??? help!?

by  |  earlier

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Hello i have a 11 month old baby. When he was born they didn't take all the f******n and left some.when he was 3 months the doctor notice and told me to go have it done again . he had it again at about 8 months everything looks alright. He was sleeping last night and i change his diaper. i notice his p***s wasn't straight so i touch it and try to make it straight. when i touch it , it grew hard like he was going to pee. then i notice like a little ball in his p***s. i cant describe it like when you touch the p***s something pops up there is something in there!! I'm going to the doctor in the morning to have this check out.. is this normal???

When he had it done at 8 months the nurse said the stitches would dissolved on its own... HELP

what on earth can it be ... its in the middle of his p***s. no color or anything. but you have to touch it to notice it.. help i only have sisters so having a boy is different ... My man saids its the pulse. Help




  1. Some butcher has caused damage. Get professional help.

    They didn't take all the f******n?? Who are these people?  

  2. If you have an appointment in the morning then please get some sleep.  None of us can tell you what it is, or tell you whether or not to worry.  I CAN, however, empathize with the stress of a circ gone wrong.  We had a little mishap w/ our second son and although all is well and functional, it was the MOST stressful time of my life, i suddenly felt myself obsessed with whether or not he was going to have permanent problem, deformity....being made fun of in a locker room, or a seriel killer with sexual frustration because we broke his p***s having him circ'd.  I'm totally not being funny w/ the serial killer thing, ALL of that went thru my mind while we were dealing w/ the circ issues!!  I was totally freaked out, so i DO understand how you are feeling tonight but the best thing you can do is try to get some sleep so you don't miss your appointment in the morning!!  On the lighter side....our circ issues did leave our 2nd son....well....pointing to the right?  AND he's never gotten the little rocket that our other son gets all the time, so i joke with my girlfriends about how it's going to scar my 16 year old into therapy when mommy needs to check it out down there and make sure it all turned out ok!  haha...ok  please just read that for the funnyness that it is.  =)  Good luck, I will be thinking of you wonderign how it all turned out.  

  3. Circumcision has many complications and side effects and what you are describing is one of those. I wouldn't circumcise any sons especially not twice - he needed that skin to grow into! Take him to see a doctor.


  4. Take him back to the doctor and have it checked out.  It might be nothing but his pulse, but it'll ease your mind if the doc tells you and if it is something, you can get it taken care of.

  5. My son is 11 months also and last month I started freaking out about the same thing! My son's only gone through the surgery once, but my husband reassured me that it's a 'man thing' and it I'm assuming he's right. I haven't noticed it since. I'd call your doctor in the morning if you're really worried. Best of luck!

  6. I think if your boyfriend said its a pulse then maybe thats what it is. Take him to the doctor anyway

  7. I don't have any experience with little boys but I just wanted to comment and say that it is perfectly fine that you had him circumcised!! It is a personal decision and not for anyone else to judge!! I think its mean not have a baby boy circumcised....when they get older it will be an embarrassment!! If I ever have a boy he will be circumcised!!

  8. That's what you get for having your son mutilated.

  9. wow violet was way out of lines anyways.... all three of my sons were circumcised and anyways usually they get like a lil hidden pouch that builds up with a white like substance

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