
Something wrong with him or normal?

by Guest56155  |  earlier

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My 15 weeks old son is still not sleeping through (Know not all babies do, my first one didn't till 14months) but he doesn't just wake up for food and then go back down..In the daytime, i struggle to get more than 25-28oz of formula down him, he never drinks more than 4oz at a time. He falls asleep around 8-9pm and sleeps till 11pm when i give him another bottle and then he usually sleeps till 2am - After that bottle he goes down for about an hr and after that he wakes up every 15mins or so and he cries and is really unsettled..i used to think it was just a bit of wind but it just won't let go...and he farts a lot, really stinky horrible farts (sorry but can't think of any other way of describing them) He is also sick a lot..he is sick after each meal (tried different formula and teats/flows) and also between meals...He's nappies are green too. My other child was never sick and there was never any 'problems' with her so i can't compare it to anything..Has anyone's baby been like this? I want this to stop, both because i don't want him to be in any pain and because i need sleep..i can't do this 'only sleeping till 3am' every morning anymore...PLEASE i need advise...!




  1. that sound like my son when he was a baby, my son would projectile vomit after milk, and his wind was so baby it made you eyes waters, after many test  the doctor found out he had a milk agerigy and swap his baby milk to a Soya based one.

    4 years on he still on milk free diet but his farts are not that bad

  2. I would be speaking to my GP or Health Visitor.  It could be that he has reflux. Babies tend to be sick a lot and cry a lot if they have reflux, babies who have reflux normally will not sleep on their backs either because it hurts them so much! It could be anything though so I would suggest calling your health visitor this morning before the weekend starts. Good luck.  

  3. Have you taken him to the doctor? It sounds to me  that his insides are totally messed up.

    Best get it sorted asap and then you'll more than likely both get your much needed sleep.

    Good luck!

    After reading your additional info: Best go back to the docs and ask a referal to a specialist. Maybe he has a bacteria lurking around in his little gut or something.

    Anyway: Don't give up until you get the help for your son that you need and he's being helped to get better.


    I am a mother to a 14 month old boy. I brestfed him until he was around 4 months old. i gave up breastfeeding (wish i hadnt!) and started him on a typical formula. He started getting very sick, throwing up constantly after each bottle and also often between bottles. He started to get an EXTREME amount of wind. He was a perfect sleeper sleeping twelve hours a night then stopped suddenly, waking and tossing and turning all night long. I posted questions here looking for help.. to no avail. We continually went to doctors, who thought we were over reacting and he was fine.

    We tried gripe water, infacol, infants friend all sorts of different wind remedies. nothing helped. we bought every anti colic bottle possible and still it did not stop. we tried different brands of formulas, different types, gentle on tummies, soy, etc... no help.

    I researched my **** off only to come to the conclusion that he had a milk intolerance. I never consumed any dairy when breastfeedin so this is why i never experienced these problems then..

    This started at 4 months and finally after trying everything we could think of and being turned away by doctors someone finally agreed he could have a slight milk intolerance, formula milk that is. it contains whey protein and the problem is with digesting that.

    my son was gaining weight well and still healthy so that is why no one suggested this originally.

    We went and saw a paediatrician and because our son was now one year old!!!! 8 months of screaming, restless nights, uncomfortable disturbed nights, he suggested putting him onto rice milk.. You cannot do this because your baby is too young. Well anyway it worked!!!!!!!

    it was a milk intolerance just as i had suspected. within a few weeks the milk had been cleaned out of his body and he was sleeping well, stopped vomiting and the wind dissapeared.

    This intolerance was also causing a reflux problem which too could have been burning and hurting his throat contributing to his problems.

    So, in my opinion, see your doctor and ask them about the possibility of a milk intolerance... or lactose intolerance. even though my son did not have this it also explains your symptoms very well.

    We lost eight months of sleep because we didnt want to suggest what i thought it would be and left it up to the doctors too but they never did. And it turned out to be our problem. even though your son cannot go onto rice milk because it is not nutritional enough for a baby that young, they do have formulas they can prescribe, pricey but i believe they would be worth it.

    So i would suggest researchin COWS MILK PROTEIN INTOLERANCE to help you decide if this could be your bub.. put it this way it wont hurt to go and suggest it and i wish i did it earlier to save ourselves and our little ones sleep. By the way its not ALLERGY its intolerance, so a much milder case, an allergy would be serious reactions.

    Dont take colic as an answer, it is the professionals who just arent sures way of saying we dont know.. colic is so broad a category they could fit nearly and problem into it....

    I was sick of hearing people suggest different bottles, teats, burping methods, wind drops etc... hopefully i have helped you because i know your pain!!!!!!!!

  5. Maybe his ready for solid food, he might be growing and be hungry. Continue with water as well it helps digestion.

  6. sounds like he could have reflux with him being sick all the time and it dose give them belly ache my daughter had it for a year as for the green poo i have no idea with the wind problem that's normal all my kids did this and it did smell bad so try not to worry about that one i would say try and get him into the docs and see what they say  

  7. Have you tried Colief?  You can get it in Boots - it's about £9.99 for a bottle so quite expensive but I have a friend whose swears by it.  Her daughter was similar to your son in that her tummy was unsettled, she had a lot of wind (burps and farts!) and woke up constantly etc.  Apparently Colief did the trick in a few days so I would say it's worth a try!  Good luck!

  8. Sounds like you have a colicy baby.  My daughter was the exact same way.  One thing that I found that helped ALOT was switching to Doctor Browns bottles, they're designed to cut all air out of the baby's feed, which makes them much more comfortable.  His nappies will be green for a little longer since his main feed is formula. Being patient and feeding on demand was the key with my daughter, she struggled to keep anything down and would take almost an hour to have 4oz, but once I switched bottles she was a changed happy little girl.  Also what helped was some Infacol before a feed, and if they're still a little uncomfortable some gripe water and a tummy rub.  Hope this helps and Good luck!

  9. Something is not right... I don't know what exactly but he needs to be seen by a doctor... Have you tried non-dairy/soy formulas... maybe he is dairy intolerent

  10. My baby was like this and he was on  breast milk only ,

    His Dr tell me some babies had this problem for about 5 month!!  

  11. Hi,

    I think the most important thing to start with is to get your baby into a good sleep routine.  I had massive problems with getting my 4 month old son to sleep.  He would just lie awake and cry for hours, then when he finally went to sleep he would wake every hour or two hours through the night and cry again!  Talk about pulling our hair out .... we were absolutely desperate for sleep!

    It was a baby sleep audio program recommended by a friend that finally saved us. We followed the advice and began by creating a baby sleep routine which included bathtime, dimming of the lights, putting James into his crib, final nappy change and then lullabies. We also made recommended changes to his naps during the day and used some of the other recommended techniques. Within two weeks he was sleeping through the night most nights with just the odd night where he would just wake once!

    Definitely start by creating a good baby sleep routine though and you could find that solves most of your baby sleep problems.

    Good luck!

    If you want to take a look, the audio program is at

  12. I think you may want to take him to your peditrician, tell him/her what your worries are; he  may very well have some infection in his system, that causing the odorous gas releases, and it also could be the reason for the green nappies;  but just to be on the safe side I'd take him to his doctor, just to make sure, that isn't anything but maybe some infection,and mam, he's only 15 weeks old,he has to learn his body clock(so da speak) he has a clock inside his headNO MAM NOT A REAL CLOCK! Just like he knows when to sleep, when to eat, when to drink, etc. try water + light karo syrup, shake it up, and let him drink as much he wants which may not be abunch, but enough to settle his stomach, and allow him to sleep.

  13. My son was the same - he is now 6 weeks old. I believe he has reflux as he gets very upset when lying down flat, and vomits large parts of his feed. You may want to try propping him up for 20-30 mins after each feed. Also  use a rolled up bath towel under his mattress to wedge underneath so he isnt lying flat - as stomach acid may be creeping up his throat which is why he is unsettled. The green poos may be due to the formula you are using - Ive switched to cow and gate comfort 1 which my son is keeping down better - but his poos are different!. However it is best to run past your HV or GP the colour of the poo as green can indicate an infection. It is also possible your child is lactose intolerant and there is tests that can be done. Ive added a website which I found very useful as Ive ordered some stuff off there to see if his condition improves (mainly changing mat wedge and positioner)

  14. hes normal

  15. is it just normal formula's you have tried, he may have a sensitive tummy and an easy digest formula may suit him better. maybe that milk isnt satisfying him, you could try a hungry baby milk.

    if it is wind, do you use anything for it, you could try infacol or gripe water and that may help him along alittle in getting the wind out.

    aside, from that, if the problems continue id ask the dr or health visitor for advice.



    There is no single medicine or proven cure for colic, but there are measures that may help. Different babies are comforted in different ways, and you may need to try a few methods to see what works.


    To soothe crying babies, the following techniques may be helpful.

    Carry your baby in a front sling or back pack.

    Keep your baby moving in a baby swing.

    Try to soothe your baby with continuous noise or vibrations from household appliances like the dishwasher, vacuum cleaner or washer-dryer.

    Take your baby for a car ride or a walk outside.

    Give your baby a dummy to suck on.

    Bathe your baby - the warm water may be comforting.

    Elimination diets

    There are some dietary changes that may help some babies, but none are proven to treat colic.

    It's thought that some babies may not be able to digest lactose very well, but this improves as they get older. If you put breast milk into a bottle or use formula feed containing cow's milk, you could try adding lactase before feeds to see if this helps. This can be purchased from a pharmacist. Lactase breaks down lactose in the body and can improve symptoms in some babies in the first few months. Some mothers may find using low lactose milk formula useful. If, after a one week trial, either method helps your baby, you can carry on feeding them in this way until they are 12 weeks old. The baby should then be slowly weaned onto normal milk over a period of one week.

    There are other methods that may help if a low or non-lactose diet doesn't work for your baby. If you are breastfeeding, you could stop eating dairy products, or try feeding your baby a hypo-allergenic formula containing whey or casein hydrolysate which your baby shouldn't be allergic to. If eliminating dairy from your diet or hypo-allergenic formulas feeds work, you should talk to your GP about a referral to a specialist as your child may have an intolerance to cow's milk. However, there is limited evidence that non-dairy breast milk and hypo-allergenic formulas are effective at reducing colic.

    A substance found in soya products called phytoeostrogen can affect the development of your child. Speak to your health visitor and GP before using soya-based formulas.


    There is limited evidence that simeticone (eg Infacol), may improve symptoms. This treatment is used to relieve trapped wind. You may also consider trying colic drops or gripe water, which are available without a prescription.

    Complementary therapies

    Chiropractic spinal manipulation therapy or cranial osteopathy may relieve symptoms. However there is limited evidence that these treatments are effective.

    Aromatherapy and tummy massage using lavender oil may help relieve the symptoms of colic. Always ask the advice of a qualified practitioner as some herbal remedies can be harmful to babies.

    Help and support

    Caring for a baby with colic can be very stressful, frustrating and challenging for any parent or carer, particularly if it's your first child. If you feel overwhelmed, you should take a break if at all possible. Ask a partner or friend to take over for a while, even for just an hour or two.

  16. It sounds like he is a little colicky. Instead of trying the sensitive formula, try Similac Alimentum or Enfamil Nutramagin. My son was developing a colic due to the fact that his insides were so irritated from his reflux and he hated the nutramagin but the alimentum had made all the difference in the world. It is more expensive, but worth it. And if it works, have your doctor write a script or letter into your insurance, some insurances will cover it because babies need it for their digestive systems because they cant digest anything else...mine actually covered it. Either way, good luck! Oh and as far as him throwing up a lot, if you think it is too excessive...have him checked for GERD, baby acid reflux. We thought my son was intolerable to everything but then it turned out it was the gerd. And green diapers are perfectly normal

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