
Something wrong with my face :\

by  |  earlier

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Yesterday,my teeth started hurting,I didn't really care about it so I went to sleep,when I woke up,my face was a little bigger then usual,well the left side of it.This happened to me before and when I went to the dentist,he gave me something for it,so I thought I could take some of it again(I still had some left).Oh and last time it was gone so for a few months,it was ok.Now the pills I took didn't fix a thing and now,that place is even bigger,at a point where I can't even close or open my eyes..




  1. I  had massive swelling on the right side of my cheek because of an infected tooth.I had the same symptoms as u.

    I went 2 the emergency room at the hospital and they gave me an IV antibiotic.The first day I went 2 the dental surgeon they had 2 cut the gum and put a small rubber tube in to drain the fluids. they gave me laughing gas and u dont really feel anything except 4 the first needle. After that it just makes u want 2 feel asleep. And no it dosent hurt after that! they couldnt pull it out cause it was 2 swollen!And a few days later they were able 2 pull it out i only felt the needles and some pressure and it was out in no time. Then they gave me a dissolvable stitch and it went away in a couple of weeks!

  2. sounds like an abscess to me, is it painful? do you find it hard to open your mouth? if so that is what it is...needs checking out again.

  3. Hello...Given your description of your ailment it certainly sounds as though you have an Upper molar tooth abscess...While Antibiotics can be a stop gap for an abscess, it eventually will not work and the problem is that every time the abscess comes back it will have eaten away more bone structure and be far more aggressive...Because it's no doubt an Upper tooth, that would explain the swollen eye issue...What I would fear most is that the abscess may have invaded the Upper sinus and that my friend can be a very serious issue...You need to see a dentist ASAP...and I mean ASAP...Good luck and I wish you well.

  4. you have a sty...

    i had one before it took a week for my to get it to go away ... but before i went out i iced it so the swelling would go down..

    Don't worry its nothing major

  5. go see a doctor.  sounds like an infection.  the pills you have might be expired.  sounds like you need some dental work done as well.

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