
Something you should try?

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i loove ice cream and i have to share my favorite ways to eat it...

right now i'm eating chocolate ice cream with a mountain of frozen blueberries on top and served with a warm delicious brownie... its the perfect balance of delicious chocolate freezing cold taste blueberries and warm gooey brownie. take a spoon full of ice cream with a couple of blue berries and then take a big bite of your brownie.. YUM

and if you stop by a fast food restaurant and are getting some soft serve vanilla ice cream try bringing along some cheeseits! scoop up the ice cream with the cheesits and you get the awsome combination of salt meets sweet!




  1. Yeah, I also dip french fries into soft-served ice creams. Haha. It's amazing, though. Gahh, I'm definitely going to have to try that ice cream/cheez-it idea of yours! Sounds great. xDD

  2. Haha, I used to eat doritos with icecream!

    It sounds SOOO weird, but it's really good.

  3. Dip french fries in soft serve chocolate ice cream, it's awesome!

  4. that sounds good. ill try it the next time when my mom makes brownies. :)

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