
Somethings wrong with my chinchilla. Can someone help me out?

by  |  earlier

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I've had my chin for about 6 months, hes extremely playful, he doesnt like to be held to much, and is always hopping around. The other day I let him out of his cage for a while and he was fine until I put him back in the cage. I went to check on him a few hours later and he wouldnt move he was just laying sideways in the corner of ther cage. I would pet him and get no response. I can hold him now for hours n he wont move he just stays snug by my arm, where ever i leave him he stays in that spot and doesnt move and just lays sideways. I dont know whats going on and i dont have money to take him to the vet. Is there anything i can possibly do? :,(




  1. could be the heat thing.

    I know a pretty cheap way to fix it too. Go to your localhardware store, and buy a piece of tile. Doens't matter what kind. Just has to be large enough for your chin to sit on.

    Place it in the freezer for about an hour, and then put in thier cage. If that still doesn't help, I would check the limbs to see if anything has been broken.

    Also, chins ahve been known to get depressed without another cagemate. Do you have more than one chin? I would watch your chisn poo's to make sure they are normal, and get a fan to place near the cage on low.

    Another possibility could be that it really just likes to sleep funny. Mine sleep ont heir side a lot, and I often have to poke them to make sure theyre still alive.

    Best of luck.

  2. There could be two things heat exhaustion or low sugar levels which both can cause seizures. So you need to find the cause.

    There are several things you can do, limit play to 10 minutes in a cool space 75 degrees max and watch for symptoms and increase the time span if you have no symptoms and see where his limits and don't go over that.

    If it does happen after the 10 minute playtime give her a piece of papaya, a small piece of raisin, or keep light Karo syrup on hand and if she seizes you can take just a small dab of it and rub it on her gums with a q-tip. and see if it helps the symptoms.

    If that doesn't work find a vet that you can work out payments with.

  3. if this is the same thing as mine

    he might be too hot,,

    is his ears bright red?

    he might be in a really hot room, coz my chinchilla lays on her side too when she gets too hot

    it can be really fatal but depends how long this has been goin on for as it might not be the thing im tellin you,

    but just in case open windows and put some ice cubes in your chinchilla cage and it will cool him down

    hope this helps xx

  4. dude i think he is dead

  5. heatstroke or hurt itself. Chinchillas are fragile, if they fall they die.

  6. I think its dead

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