
Sometimes I feel indifferent. Is this normal? 10 POINTS.?

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I started going out with one of my good guy friends last night.

It's nice, but sometimes I feel indifferent about the relationship.

Like I wouldn't mind or be too upset if we broke up.

I know it's only been less than a day that we've been going out, but is that normal?

P.S.: I felt this way about my last boyfriend, and he wound up being my first love.




  1. Apathy can take over at times with me as well ... so I hope it is normal. If things remain that way then you may want to rethink things. Good luck.

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  2. i sometimes feel like this too, i felt my problem was becuz i have fear of intimacy, like i know the realtionship will not last or hoping so i won't have to deal with the pain

    or u just might not be that into them

  3. It means you dont have that much vested interest in the relationship. So even though you got feelings they are not strong enuf to make you feel that your bf is your world. Just enjoy the relationships while they last. One will come along who will make your heart stop and invade your mind totally.

  4. Your last boyfriend was your first love but not your "forever" love.

    You're finding you don't have any feelings of lasting love or you can't see yourself having any with your current boyfriend.  It's normal, I wouldn't worry about feeling indifferent, in fact, I'd trust my instinct about it.  There will come a time when you won't feel indifferent and you will care very much about pursuing with someone.

    Good luck

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