
Sometimes I feel like...Sorry for it being so long.

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I wish I could just go into a coma and wouldn't have to wake up till this world is a better place. I literally hate everyone at my school except my 2 best friends nicole and miranda. I can't stand being on this planet. I don't wanna die. I just feel like if I ever were to get in a car crash it wouldn't bother me. I sometimes think about cutting myself. I'm not sure if ever would do it but I definitely think about it a lot. I mean a lot a lot. Pretty much all the time. I'm not sure if I can ever tell anyone and if I ever would it would be my bff nicole. I'm just not sure how she would take it. She thinks cutting is retarded and she thinks people do it for attention. But she's kinda one of the only people I trust. I just think she would think I'm retarded. What should I do?




  1. I went through the same thing as you. My ex bff was the same way. When I told her she actually tried 2 help me and everything she didnt judge me like I thought she would and she was the only person that I could trust 2 tell. So I would just tell ur bff and if she was the true friend u thinks she is then she will accept u and try to help not make fun of you and walk away from you when u need her help the most. Hope I heleopd and good luck!!!

  2. Darling, you're not wasting air. I understand that you don't want to tell people, but just tell them what's bugging you. And think about this: If you were in a car crash I'm sure it would bug a lot of people, starting with miranda and nicole. Tell Nicole. Don't say anything about cutting, just that you feel kind of helpless. Don't worry, she won't judge you. Something that might help you is to start writing a diary. Just listen. Every night just write down in a notebook or something exactly what's bugging you. Everything. Don't hide anything. If you think someone will find it, hide it, or get a diary with a lock and hide the diary and lock in two different places. At the end, write 2 - 3 things you did that day that made you feel happy. I'm sure you are sometimes at least contented. Think about the good, not the bad.

  3. Suck it up. This is Life.  

  4. yea being emo and cutting yourself isn't cool what does it do it doesn't help you it doesn't help the world it a selfish stupid retarded thing to do so don't do it and if i were her and i found out you were cutting i would not talk to you its that simple its a dumb thing to do and you only do it when you want attention that is why i beat up emo's have you ever heard the saying life is a biiitch yea it is and think how much harder life will be on the people that love you when the find out you are cutting think about how that feels for them don't cut just take up a hobby do something just don't cut life is hard on everybody pick your head up

  5. Well, I understand part of what you are going through.  I have found that living for God gives meaning to my life.  I will pray for you.

  6. Don't try to hurt yourself in any way. If you feel you will hurt yourself please talk to an adult that you can trust. Don't feel so down about life. Things happen to everyone. You just need to get over it and move on.  

  7. well gurly,i didn't like living 4 a while, i thought about killing myself soo much,at night,i felt like no one cared no one understund,then i really didn't cared if i lived or not.i was living 4 others,and not myself,its hard living,i did things just that i don't want to say,h**l,but just find a reason to live,mine is,the earth is a very pretty place that i would like 2 live 2 see it.h**l i really don't know wat 2 say..but.just stick around ,and a reason 4 living just might come hit u like a big *** truck.feel free to chat,

  8. First of all, the desire to cut yourself is a legitimate concern.  There are tons of people who feel that cutting themselves would just make them feel better - but please know that it won't.  It sounds like you may be suffering from depression.  You need to know that you are not alone in feeling this way - I bet if people talked openly, you would be surprised at how many people feel this way.

    My advice to you as someone who experienced similar feelings as a teenager - I wanted to hurt myself and really to die - is to talk to someone about this.  Speak to your parents or ask them to make an appointment with your doctor.  Please don't hurt yourself - you are not a human wasting air.  Please know that this time in your life will pass and there are better things to come.  Talk to someone and get some help to get through this!

  9. thats how i am i already cut myself because my life is going down hill and i just wannatake pain away if she is your best friends tell her how you feel and why you would cut yourself she will understand if she cares and she will always be there for you because thats how friends are

    just try to take your pain and anger out by writing in a journal and diary and comparing how everyday goes so you can learn to be happier and im sorry you feel like that i hope you feel better :]

  10. i think every young person goes through it because i'm still going through almost exactly what you're going through. i been to the extreemes where i cut myself. it is satisfying until you realise it's only a quick fix. i've learned to apriciate every small detail in my life. maybe you can do the same. think about all the good times in your life and how soon you can live your own life and not have to deal with the dumb *** people in school.  

  11. Sometimes I feel like this life is pointless. Love, life, hope, faith, trust...all of these precious things, taken for granted in most lives, exist in different ways in mine. I suppose you would say I have a vampiric nature, but I haven't been turned or rebirthed. There is no meaning to my life besides acting normal for my family and friends.

  12. Keep going in life, get help. Tell your friend how you feel, she can help you

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