
Sometimes I feel we are too much alike?

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I am a sun/moon Pisces ane my bf is a sun/moon Cancer. His rising sign is Leo, mine is Sagittarius. We usually understand each other and have loads of fun. What do you think I could do to make things more interesting? I know he likes me, he once asked me to marry him. Something to shake him up a bit, maybe.




  1. Some relationships don't work out because people are too much mean't for each other, with the exact same interests you don't exactly have a lot to talk about, after a while it seems like everything he says is boring, like. "Have you seen that episode of CSI"?


  2. Its all about communication. You should talk with him, be open and honest and he will open up to you as well. You'll have more fun and enjoy each others company much more, good luck.

  3. thats my ex and i sigh...... we both have the same problems with anger, both are spaced out almost all the time ,and  think the same way  we almost always have nothing to talk about .. but you guys can problay try to get into a new hobby together... ex: somthing you both never tried before like snowboarding..

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