
Sometimes I see flashes of lightning even though there's not a storm

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I remember once when I was younger, I was outside playing soccer and there was lightning in the sky every now and then. It was a sunny day outside, a few puffy white clouds and some blue sky. The other girls were seeing this lightning, too. What could have caused this?




  1. heat lightning i dont know why the heat causes it but i know on hot days the sky will flash not like a bolt but kinda a flash its heat lighning

    Lightning is a gigantic electrostatic discharge (the same kind of electricity that can shock you when you touch a doorknob) between the cloud and the ground, other clouds, or within a cloud. Scientists do not understand yet exactly how it works or how it interacts with the upper atmosphere or the earth 's electromagnetic field.

    you can go to my source to learn more  

  2. There is probably a storm coming because that happened to me before and a storm came three hours later.

  3. if a lightning strike is a sufficient distance from the observer, sound from the strike will not be heard. These silent bolts are called heat lightning. Lightning bolts produce thunder, but the thunder sound does not travel all the way to the observer if the observer is too far away.

    The movement of sound in the atmosphere depends on the atmospheric properties of the air such as temperature and density. Because temperature and density change with height, the sound of thunder is refracted through the troposphere. This refraction results in spaces of volume in which the thunder does not propagate through.

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