
Sometimes My kitten "Cries". Is she depressed?

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I have a 3 month old kitten, and usually she is very social, and very playful. But every once in a while she will come to me and make a noise that sounds like crying. I know she is just learning to meow, but sometimes i feel like she is asking for something. I will pet her, and give her attention, but she will usually run away, then come back and do it again. She has 2 regular feeding times, and i play with her constantly. Is she asking for something? Or is she just meowing? I just want to make sure she has everything.




  1. She is not crying. She is talking to you mom, trying to tell you something. At three months she is still discovering her world and maybe she found something she wants to show you. Maybe she wants to play hide and seek,(my cats love to play this). Maybe one of her toys is in a place she cant reach and needs your help. Maybe she just wants to talk. I have a cat that if I am 5 minutes late with her dinner she will come and find me, tap me on the foot and proceed to give me what for. Another who just likes to "chat" and another who is the family tattle tale. And I also have a couple who rarely talk. It's just their personalities.  

  2. She talking to you. Talk back, it's fun. Some cats are just talkers.  

  3. she needs a friend like another cat my cat did the same thing  

  4. Is she siamese or part siamese? Or even a vocal type of cat that I can't think of. My kitten does that too and he is part siamese. He is going to do that forever...I don't know if its a good or bad thing yet...

  5. it looks like she wants to play, my cat sometimes does that to me folow her n see wer she goes

  6. I find sometimes when they do this and run away they want you to follow them.  Maybe she wants to show you something or bring your attention to what she wants.  My cats do this sometimes when they are out of food in their dish and want more.

  7. hi,

    Your kitten is not depressed, sometimes cats just want to "talk" to you, to them, you are apart of her family so she wants to communicate with you. She is not learning how to meow, meowing is not learnt, it is always there even after just after birth.

    Just give her a pat and well meow back. If you wan to go all out, use some cat body language like touching noses and slowly closing your eyes and squint them towards her, which is a friendly gesture.

    cats are naturally solitary, so i dont suggest getting another kitten, it would either go two ways, she'll hate you for it and it will stress her or she'll love her new friend and never talk to you agian.

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