
Sometimes a crazy notion...?

by  |  earlier

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How does this strategy sound for a conservative investor with 23 years to retirement?

1) Take everything I've got (minus emergency cash, of course) and put it into the S&P 500 Index.

2) Invest $500 monthly into QQQQ.

3) Stick with 1) and 2) through rain and shine.

Is it as likely to work as anything else? I look forward to your comments.




  1. Without having more information about your personal information, such as age, current income and other data such as risk tolerance, martial status, and demographics it would be very inappropriate for me or any other person to provide specific investment information in this type of media

    This is not strategy any experienced professional would recommend for any of the clients.  There are many more avenues that you could use that would provide a better return with less risk

    If you're going to use a buy and hold investment plan, you may be better served putting your investment capital into a well allocated mutual fund program so that as they economy changes, your allocation could be changed.

    Your allocation of using the S&P index does not provide for interest rate changes, income generators, or forgein markets investments.

    Think again of using you're strategy, there are others better than the one you have selected

  2. I know nothing about investments, but I do know about life.

    who knows what tomorrow brings, live for today for tomorrow may never come.

    spend your money go see the world, you just never know what you might find.

    kind regards x

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