
Sometimes do you get overwhelmingly frustrated because of the c**p that people believe?

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It truly angers me when people do not do proper research but still choose to take a stance on an issue. They do so becuase their family believes it to be true or the political party they support deems it true, and much of the time, the stance they choose to take makes no logical sense. It only makes sense to them because their news sources contort the truth so that it seems to make sense.

Take the Israel-Palestine conflict. It's shocking how many people deem the Palestinians as "evil" solely because they are Muslim or because America tells them so.

Or any issue involving Muslims. The media brainwashed these people into believing that most Muslims are overly violent people who commit atrocities when, in reality, it's only a small fraction.

Fox news even tried to play on Barrack Obama's middle name (Hussein) as a reason to not support him. You can choose to not support him for other reasons, but such a reason is outrageous.

You feel like you have to teach these people to think




  1. Dear Jane,  The muslims are killing each other all over the middle east.  One sect denounces another sect. The same religious differences occur in India.  Statistically speaking, there is no question that muslims are more violent than any other religion today.  Christians have been in the past, but the muslims take the cake.  Also, the way muslims treat women (conservative Christians are the same) is tragic.  A berka (sp?) should be a crime.  As a woman, I would not want to live in any middle eastern country.  The US is where I have all the opportunities offered to anyone.  There are successful, intellectual muslim women here, but the religion as a whole is discriminating.  There are many loving, religious, thoughtful muslims living here and abroad.  God bless them.  But you are naive if you don't recognize the violence and sexual discrimination that is a part of the muslim world, especially in the middle east.

  2. Well, unless someone's beliefs are opposed and intolerant, I just respect their boldness. Pick your battles, Jane. The more hostility in this place, the faster it will be h**l on earth. Practice resolving an issue to your own satisfaction, seek peace. Peace of mind.

    Cumulative pressures to accept ignorant, naive, or dishonest views, shortens one's life. Experience.

  3. The issue mostly involves Israelis. They are "allies" of the US so we have to make enemies of Israel into monsters. The truth is a lot different--- Israel is not a friendly nation--Israel is a pirate nation who will destroy the world to protect their theft.

  4. There are even people who feel that to have no nation states at all would  make people free. These people are called Anarchists and what they say is that the potential for misuse of power lies in all states and that all prisons should be abolished. These people feel that the struggle of Palestine is the struggle of all places that it is not just a specific state being fought against but a Culture Of Conquest around The World. An attitude.People use a variety of means from peacefull protest, to graffiti to make a statement. Specific banks and places which support attacks on Human Rights may be damaged for this reason and not racial reasons as an attack against Human Rights is an attack against all. Like Orwell wrote when atrocities are commited by one side are committed in a war this is potrayed as good but when say3000  of the side which commited the atrocities are killed then it becomes an atrocity.This in reference to The War between EurAsia and Oceania in his book 1984. Sometimes massacres of prisoners can be fabricated as in be total propaganda. There are also the news reports of chopping off of headsof American soldiers in Iraq. A point to make first since it was said Geneva Conventions did not apply then this could be done to American soldiers. Another point chopping the heads of people could be a variant of what The French did in The French Revolution but with knives instead of guillotines and in different circumstances. Also if the heads of anIraqi Government  which was a puppet Gov were chopped of then it may be seen as punishment for treason for selling out to a foreign power. Also if all Reporters Embedded with the army of the U.S. then they should be safe unless captured in an ambush.

  5. you have a very open adventurous mind.... if more people in the world were open to ask questions and investigate their beliefs properly maybe as one voice we could make a stand against the liars that control our countries and lives....... 500 years ago 90% of the people on this planet thought the world was flat so it was believed to be so, how in modern day can that 10% be heard when they are coming up against such resistance..........   i think there is just a small percentage of us that choose to have our own opinions, opinions that are supported by hard evidence, a theory is an opinion of one person, or a group of people that has NO evidence to support it, if there is even one small piece of evidence that is unanswered or unexplained that makes it a conspiracy..... our media today is the biggest problem, how can you have a voice when there are people who believe everything they show on tv is truthful, choose to ask why, or where is the evidence, and draw your own conclusions............not someone elses....x

  6. Well As People, We Have The Right To Believe In Whatever We Want.Now Who's To Say What Is Right Or Wrong, Good Or Bad.

    But I Do Agree With You.

  7. The only thing I believe is gas prices are high.I don't care about the Israel-Palestine conflict or the Muslims.

  8. Yes, it does but know what? They're idiots to not get the facts straight first. Idiots are not worth the frustration of a pointless arguement.

    Let it go, sitting on stuff like that will make you age faster.

  9. Dear sensible Jane - Key word- sensible- It's a losing battle- you are in the one % of the population that has an open mind with a dash of intelligence thrown in. We are in the shape we are in now as a nation, because the other nintynine percent can be told anything and will repeat it like a parrot for the rest of their life,never conceding for a moment that they could be wrong or there may be another side to everything. And neither political party has a lock on this thinking.Both sides have their parrots. If people actually thought for themselves, we would elect intelligent presidents, and not keep reelecting congressional crooks to the congress. But I have to give it to you, You have hit the problem right on the head- You are one hundred percent right.

  10. Absolutely you are right.

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