
Sometimes i feel desperate but i dont want to have s*x n dont want to m********e either help?

by Guest61454  |  earlier

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so what should i do to control this desperation.....




  1. If your not gonna jerk it sit on it.

  2. Take a cold shower.

  3. Go out and get some serious exercise.

  4. You know, I've always tried to respect people's decisions over their personal lives, but haven't you wondered why you crave it if it's not wrong? I mean, if you are a Catholic and believe premarital s*x and masturbation is wrong, then you must have questioned the reason, I'm sure.

    Well, here's a thought: there's nothing wrong with having s*x or masturbating, as long as you don't molest or rape anyone. What's more, I don't believe is natural to give sexual instincts up, like priests do, since it is human nature to want to have s*x.

    That said, you should try thinking about something else if you really don't want to do either. I don't know, occupy your time with different things: play sports, study, etc.

  5. your heart out :)

  6. Here are some options you can try:

    1. The flip side of sexual energy is creative energy. You can channel the feeling into an activity such as painting, music, or sports, for example.

    2. The next time you get the feeling, you can stop what you are doing and take very slow deep breaths until the desperation subsides. Let the breathing get slower and deeper as you do it. With a little practice the feeling will subside in about 3 minute or less.

    3. Sometimes you intensify the feeling by trying to fight it. The next time you get the urge, just enjoy the urge. You don't have to physically act on it. It will pass naturally and more easily if you don't "freak out" over it.

    4. I'm not sure why you want to refrain from s*x or masturbation, but if you're uncomfortable with those things and you want to develop a healthier attitude toward s*x with some spiritual awareness, I suggest seeking a good web site or book about tantric sexuality when you're ready. Tantric practices include sexual and non sexual practices for controlling or redirecting sexual and other energy in healthy ways. One book is Sexual Ecstasy by Margo Anand, but there are many others. Maybe take a look on Amazon.

  7. it's natural to have s*x and m********e. GO FOR IT! what the h**l is stopping you?

  8. you need professional help !!

  9. A cold shower or brushing your teeth is always a great way to get your mind off of things like that.

  10. become a monk

  11. Sometimes when you have urges, you have to do one or the other. just depends how strong the urge is. I suggest you go into a lake, and rub like crazy 'til you can't stand up. That should help for quite a while. I did it yesterday.

  12. pray!!

    god bless

  13. nothing wrong with them hav fun with it

  14. just m********e it cant do u any harm everyone does it they just wont tell you!!!!!!

  15. Why don't you want to? It's actually healthy to m********e -- it cleans out the urethra and helps to prevent prostate cancer. And it feels good! What else could you ask for? Or if you're just tired or something and don't have the energy I think you should take a nap and then you'll be ready to go at it when you wake up. I hope this helped ^^;

  16. choose a close friend or someone you trust and just do it. s*x is good for you use protection.

  17. Well you could just look at p**n. lol.

  18. Rahul,

    In all seriousness, it is NOT healthy to not m********e.  You should be masturbating regularly, without guilt of any kind.  I am so sorry that you have been.... led to discard the best things you could do for yourself. I hope you get over it.

    Kindest thoughts,


  19. There's nothing wrong with either.

  20. well uh.. just give in to the feeling.  i guess

  21. Just do what i do lol. Get a ps3 and play games alllll dayyyy loooong.  

  22. masterbation is healthy.....wack away

  23. take a could shower or give in and think of me

  24. m********e. There is nothing wrong with masturbation, it is good for the body and it feels great too.  

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